A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | |
1 | FY22 Budget | FY23 Budget | FY24 Budget | FY25 Budget | FY26 Budget | FY27 Budget | Department | ARPA | |||||||||||||||||
2 | Project No. | Eligible Use | Project | Total | Total | Estimate | Estimate | Estimate | Estimate | Total | Liaisons | Liaison(s) | |||||||||||||
3 | EC.1.04.01*^ | Prevention in Congregate Settings | GPS Monitoring Program for Offenders to Reduce Jail Populations. | $140,135.45 | $282,025.08 | $267,923.83 | $253,822.57 | $239,721.32 | $0.00 | $1,183,628.25 | N/A | ||||||||||||||
4 | EC.1.11.01*^ | Community Violence Interventions | Hire a community violence prevention coordinator to design and implement evidence-based approaches to reducing violence in Johnson County. | 94,795.91 | 71,096.93 | 47,397.96 | 23,698.98 | . | 236,989.78 | RP | RS | ||||||||||||||
13 | SA.1.11.02*^ | Community Violence Interventions | Increase opportunities for positive youth development and gun violence prevention through social and emotional supports. | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 | - | - | 300,000.00 | PH, JG; RP | RS | ||||||||||||||
14 | EC.1.12.01*^ | Mental Health Services | Enhance operational support to the GuideLink Center to meet behavioral health needs exacerbated by the pandemic, ensure 24-hour operations, and enhance triage services. | 400,000.00 | 350,000.00 | - | - | 750,000.00 | PH, RP; GuideLink Center Advisory Committee: LGD | ||||||||||||||||
17 | EC.1.13.01*^ | Substance Use Services | Enhance operational support to the GuideLink Center to promote access to substance misuse treatment and prevention. | - | 350,000.00 | 350,000.00 | 350,000.00 | 350,000.00 | 1,400,000.00 | PH, RP; GuideLink Center Advisory Committee: LGD | |||||||||||||||
18 | EC.1.14.01^ | Other Public Health Services | Johnson County Public Health Clinic Van | 75,000.00 | 75,000.00 | PH | |||||||||||||||||||
20 | EC.1.14.02^ | Other Public Health Services | Support community-based doulas and fund scholarship for doula education. | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | PH | |||||||||||||||||||
21 | SA.1.14.03^ | Capital Investments or Physical Plant Changes to Public Facilities that respond to the COVID-19 public health emergency | Building adaptations and physical plant improvements to space out employees and public service areas to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 | 3,400,000.80 | 3,400,000.80 | ||||||||||||||||||||
22 | SA.2.01.01*^ | Household Assistance: Food Programs | Support Veggie Rx Program in Johnson County to increase food security | 25,000.00 | 25,000.00 | RP, LGD; JG | |||||||||||||||||||
23 | SA.2.32.03*^ | Assistance to Small Businesses: Business Incubators and Start-Up or Expansion Assistance | Support local foods initiatives in Johnson county to increase food security. | 25,000.00 | 75,000.00 | 75,000.00 | 175,000.00 | RP, LGD; JG | |||||||||||||||||
24 | SA.2.02.01*^ | Household Assistance: Rent, Mortgage, and Utility Aid | Expand eligibility and benefit amount for the General Assistance Program. | - | - | 800,000.00 | 600,000.00 | 400,000.00 | - | 1,800,000.00 | PH, JG | ||||||||||||||
25 | SA.2.02.02*^ | Household Assistance: Rent, Mortgage, and Utility Aid | Johnson County Eviction Diversion Program. | 37,500.00 | 75,000.00 | 75,000.00 | 75,000.00 | 75,000.00 | - | 337,500.00 | PH, JG | ||||||||||||||
26 | EC.2.03.01*^ | Household Assistance: Cash Transfers | Create Direct Assistance Program to benefit low- to moderate-income residents. | 1,000,000.00 | 1,000,000.00 | 2,000,000.00 | RP, LGD | JG | |||||||||||||||||
28 | EC.2.10.01*^ | Assistance to Unemployed or Underemployed Workers (e.g. job training, subsidized employment, employment supports or incentives) | Create apprenticeship program to recruit people of color for employment at Johnson County. | - | 200,000.00 | 200,000.00 | 200,000.00 | 200,000.00 | - | 800,000.00 | RP, LGD | JG | |||||||||||||
29 | EC.2.11.01*^ | Healthy Childhood Environments: Child Care | Create affordable childcare program on county-owned property. | 250,000.00 | 250,000.00 | 1,875,000.00 | 625,000.00 | 3,000,000.00 | PH, JG; RP, LGD | ||||||||||||||||
30 | SA.2.11.02*^ | Healthy Childhood Environments: Child Care | Create incentive program for state-funded child slots. | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 | - | 400,000.00 | PH, JG | |||||||||||||||
31 | EC.2.15.01*^ | Long-Term Housing Security: Affordable Housing | Develop County-owned property at 821 S. Clinton Street for affordable housing. | 500,000.00 | 1,000,000.00 | - | 1,500,000.00 | RP, LGD; PH, JG | RS | ||||||||||||||||
33 | EC.2.15.02*^ | Long-Term Housing Security: Affordable Housing | Develop County-owned properties at Capitol and Prentiss Street for affordable housing. | 187,500.00 | 187,500.00 | 375,000.00 | RP, LGD; PH, JG | RS | |||||||||||||||||
34 | SA.2.18.01*^ | Housing Support: Other Housing Assistance | Expand home repair and aging-in-place programs administered by local organizations to target rural and aging residents. | 150,000.00 | 150,000.00 | 150,000.00 | 150,000.00 | - | 600,000.00 | PH, JG; RP, LGD | |||||||||||||||
36 | EC.2.30.01*^ | Assistance to Small Businesses: Technical Assistance, Counseling, or Business Planning | Provide training and government navigation services for Johnson County residents interested in opening their own child care centers or provide in-home child care services. | - | 125,000.00 | 125,000.00 | 125,000.00 | 125,000.00 | - | 500,000.00 | PH, JG; RP, LGD | ||||||||||||||
37 | SA.2.30.02*^ AND SA.2.32.02*^ | Assistance to Small Businesses: Technical Assistance, Counseling, or Business Planning AND Assistance to Small Businesses: Business Incubators and Start-Up or Expansion Assistance | Create a financing program to support minority-owned businesses. | 500,000.00 | 500,000.00 | RP | RS | ||||||||||||||||||
38 | SA.2.32.01*^ | Assistance to Small Business: Business Incubators and Start Up or Expansion Assistance | Create a wage incentive program for childcare providers in Johnson County. | 250,000.00 | 250,000.00 | 250,000.00 | - | - | 750,000.00 | PH, JG; RP, LGD | |||||||||||||||
39 | SA.2.34.01^ | Assistance to Impacted Nonprofit Organizations (Impacted or Disproportionately Impacted) | Provide infrastructure and capital needs funding for local nonprofit programs that respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. | 400,000.00 | 400,000.00 | 400,000.00 | - | 1,200,000.00 | RP, LGD | ||||||||||||||||
40 | SA.2.34.02^ | Assistance to Impacted Nonprofit Organizations (Impacted or Disproportionately Impacted) | Provide capital needs of local arts organizations. | 75,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 75,000.00 | 200,000.00 | RP | RS | ||||||||||||||||
41 | EC.2.35.01^ | Aid to Tourism, Travel or Hospitality | Investigate alternative transportation (rail) options in Johnson County. | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 | RP, LGD | PH, JG | ||||||||||||||||||
42 | SA.2.37.01*^ | Economic Impact Assistance: Other | Wage Theft Recovery Program at the Center for Worker Justice of Eastern Iowa. | 15,000.00 | 60,000.00 | 60,000.00 | 135,000.00 | RP, LGD | RS | ||||||||||||||||
44 | SA.2.37.02*^ | Economic Impact Assistance: Other | Provide discounted fares for low-income individuals utilizing public transit. | - | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | - | 200,000.00 | PH, JG | ||||||||||||||
48 | EC.2.37.03*^ | Economic Impact Assistance: Other | Expand SEATS on-demand services to reduce public transportation barriers. | 400,526.00 | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 | 700,526.00 | JG, LGD | ||||||||||||||||
50 | EC.3.04.01 | Public Sector Capacity: Effective Service Delivery | Eligible administrative expenses. | 193,631.43 | 203,313.00 | 213,478.65 | 224,152.58 | 235,360.21 | 1,069,935.87 | RP, LGD | |||||||||||||||
51 | EC.3.04.02 | Public Sector Capactiy: Effective Service Delivery | Hire data analyst/administrative assistant for Medical Examiner's Office. | $102,511.00 | $76,883.25 | $51,255.50 | $25,627.75 | 256,277.50 | RS, JG | ||||||||||||||||
52 | EC.3.04.03 | Public Sector Capacity: Effective Service Delivery | Hire an additional Disease Prevention Specialist. | 53,173.20 | 106,346.40 | 79,759.80 | 53,173.20 | 26,586.60 | 319,039.20 | PH | |||||||||||||||
53 | EC.3.04.04 | Public Sector Capacity: Effective Service Delivery | Hire a Community Health Nurse. | 106,346.40 | 106,346.40 | 79,759.80 | 53,173.20 | 26,586.60 | 372,212.40 | PH | |||||||||||||||
55 | EC.3.04.05 | Public Sector Capacity: Effective Service Delivery | Translate Johnson County resources to improve the efficacy of relief programs. | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 10,000.00 | 50,000.00 | RP, LGD | |||||||||||||||
56 | EC.3.04.06 | Public Sector Capacity: Effective Service Delivery | Hire an additional Public Health Systems Analyst. | 106,346.40 | 79,759.80 | 53,173.20 | 26,586.60 | 265,866.00 | PH | ||||||||||||||||
57 | EC.3.05.01 | Public Sector Capacity: Administrative Needs | Hire General Assistance Specialist. | 39,034.20 | 78,068.40 | 58,551.30 | 39,034.20 | 19,517.10 | 234,205.20 | PH, JG | |||||||||||||||
59 | EC.5.06.01 | Clean Water: Stormwater | Improve Johnson County Historic Poor Farm sewer and stormwater infrastructure. | 50,000.00 | 450,000.00 | 500,000.00 | RP, LGD | ||||||||||||||||||
61 | EC.5.09.01 | Clean Water: Nonpoint Source | Replace Kent Park shower house to address nonpoint source pollution of Kent Lake. | 3,420,992.00 | 3,420,992.00 | LGD | |||||||||||||||||||
63 | SA.5.09.02 | Clean Water: Nonpoint Source | Develop Iowa River Watershed Plan to address nonpoint sources of pollution | 25000 | 50000 | 50000 | 125,000.00 | RP, LGD | PH, JG | ||||||||||||||||
64 | SA.5.21.01 | Broadband: Other Projects | Fund a study to determine broadband internet need. | 50,000.00 | 50,000.00 | LGD, RS | JG | ||||||||||||||||||
66 | $9,066,339.48 | $5,937,252.59 | $5,159,713.36 | $4,610,182.41 | $3,958,685.16 | $625,000.00 | $29,357,173.00 | ||||||||||||||||||
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68 | 29,357,173.00 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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71 | FY23 | FY24 | FY25 | FY26 | FY27 | FY28 | |||||||||||||||||||
72 | General Fund impact due to tapering | 162,704.88 | 525,409.97 | 888,114.64 | 841,542.93 | ||||||||||||||||||||
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