FLAG - NAMEDEFAULTDESCRIPTIONADDITIONAL REMARKSCONDITION FOR IT USESActions: delete, keep or modifyComments for specific actions
AGRICULTURE y agriculture allowed? With this variable, you can determine whether agriculture is allowed OK_SECHIBA or OK_STOMATE
ALB_BARE_MODEL n Switch bare soil albedo dependent (if TRUE) on soil wetness If TRUE, the model for bare soil albedo is the old formulation. Then it depend on the soil dry or wetness. If FALSE, it is the new computation that is taken, it is the mean of soil albedo. OK_SECHIBA Not active anymore (pp)
ALLOW_WEATHERGEN n Allow weather generator to create data This flag allows the forcing-reader to generate synthetic data if the data in the file is too sparse and the temporal resolution would not be enough to run the model.
ALMA_OUTPUT n Should the output follow the ALMA convention If this logical flag is set to true the model will output all its data according to the ALMA convention. It is the recommended way to write data out of ORCHIDEE. OK_SECHIBA suppressed with xios (PP)Alma output should be handle
with xios through "file_def" file
ANNUAL_INCREASE y for diagnosis of fpc increase, compare today's fpc to last year's maximum (T) or to fpc of last time step (F)? OK_DGVM
BEDROCK_FLAG 0 Flag to consider bedrock at deeper layers. 0, no, 1, yes.
CANOPY_EXTINCTION n Use canopy radiative transfer model? set to TRUE if canopy radiative transfer model is used for biogenic emissions CHEMISTRY_BVOC
CANOPY_MULTILAYER n Use canopy radiative transfer model with multi-layers set to TRUE if canopy radiative transfer model is with multiple layers CANOPY_EXTINCTION
CDRAG_FROM_GCM y Keep cdrag coefficient from gcm. Set to .TRUE. if you want q_cdrag coming from GCM (if q_cdrag on initialization is non zero). Keep cdrag coefficient from gcm for latent and sensible heat fluxes. OK_SECHIBA
CHECK_CWRR n Should we check detailed CWRR water balance ? This parameters allows the user to check the detailed water balance in each time step of CWRR. HYDROL_CWRR
CHECK_WATERBAL n Should we check the global water balance This parameters allows the user to check the integrated water balance at the end of each time step OK_SECHIBA
CHEMISTRY_BVOC n Activate calculations for BVOC set to TRUE if biogenic emissions calculation is to be activated OK_SECHIBA
CHEMISTRY_LEAFAGE n Activate LEAFAGE? set to TRUE if biogenic emissions calculation takes leaf age into account CHEMISTRY_BVOC
DO_FLOODINFILT n Should floodplains reinfiltrate into the soil This parameters allows the user to ask the model to take into account the flood plains reinfiltration into the soil moisture. It then can go back to the slow and fast reservoirs RIVER_ROUTING
DO_FLOODPLAINS n Should we include floodplains This parameters allows the user to ask the model to take into account the flood plains and return the water into the soil moisture. It then can go back to the atmopshere. This tried to simulate internal deltas of rivers. RIVER_ROUTING
DO_IRRIGATION n Should we compute an irrigation flux This parameters allows the user to ask the model to compute an irigation flux. This performed for the on very simple hypothesis. The idea is to have a good map of irrigated areas and a simple function which estimates the need to irrigate. RIVER_ROUTING
DO_PONDS n Should we include ponds This parameters allows the user to ask the model to take into account the ponds and return the water into the soil moisture. If this is activated, then there is no reinfiltration computed inside the hydrol module. HYDROL_CWRR
DO_PONDS n Should we include ponds This parameters allows the user to ask the model to take into account the ponds and return the water into the soil moisture. It then can go back to the atmopshere. This tried to simulate little ponds especially in West Africa. RIVER_ROUTING
DO_SWAMPS n Should we include swamp parameterization This parameters allows the user to ask the model to take into account the swamps and return the water into the bottom of the soil. It then can go back to the atmopshere. This tried to simulate internal deltas of rivers. RIVER_ROUTING
DOWNREGULATION_CO2 n Activation of CO2 downregulation OK_SECHIBA
FIRE_DISABLE n no fire allowed With this variable, you can allow or not the estimation of CO2 lost by fire OK_STOMATE
FORCE_CO2_VEG FALSE Flag to force the value of atmospheric CO2 for vegetation. If this flag is set to true, the ATM_CO2 parameter is used to prescribe the atmospheric CO2. This Flag is only use in couple mode. Only in coupled mode
GET_SLOPE n Read slopes from file and do the interpolation Needed for reading the slopesfile and doing the interpolation. This will be
HARVEST_AGRI y Harvest model for agricultural PFTs. Compute harvest above ground biomass for agriculture. Change daily turnover. OK_STOMATE
HERBIVORES n herbivores allowed? With this variable, you can determine if herbivores are activated OK_STOMATE
HYDROL_CWRR n Allows to switch on the multilayer hydrology of CWRR This flag allows the user to decide if the vertical hydrology should be treated using the multi-layer diffusion scheme adapted from CWRR by Patricia de Rosnay. by default the Choisnel hydrology is used. OK_SECHIBA
HYDROL_OK_HDIFF n do horizontal diffusion? If TRUE, then water can diffuse horizontally between the PFTs' water reservoirs. OK_SECHIBA and .NOT.(HYDROL_CWRR)
IMPOSE_AZE n Should the surface parameters be prescribed This flag allows the user to impose the surface parameters (Albedo Roughness and Emissivity). It is espacially interesting for 0D simulations. On the globe it does not make too much sense as it imposes the same vegetation everywhere OK_SECHIBA
IMPOSE_PARAM y Do you impose the values of the parameters? This flag can deactivate the reading of some parameters. OK_SECHIBA or OK_STOMATE
IMPOSE_SOILT n Should the soil type be prescribed ? This flag allows the user to impose a soil type distribution. It is espacially interesting for 0D simulations. On the globe it does not make too much sense as it imposes the same soil everywhere IMPOSE_VEG
IMPOSE_VEG n Should the vegetation be prescribed ? This flag allows the user to impose a vegetation distribution and its characteristics. It is espacially interesting for 0D simulations. On the globe it does not make too much sense as it imposes the same vegetation everywhere OK_SECHIBA or OK_STOMATE
LAI_MAP n Read the LAI map It is possible to read a 12 month LAI map which will then be interpolated to daily values as needed. OK_SECHIBA or OK_STOMATE
LPJ_GAP_CONST_MORT y/n depending on OK_DGVM Constant mortality set to TRUE if constant mortality is to be activated OK_STOMATE AND NOT OK_DGVM
MAP_PFT_FORMAT y Read a land use vegetation map on PFT format pft values are needed, max time axis is 293 OK_SECHIBA or OK_STOMATE
NOx_BBG_FERTIL n Calculate NOx emissions with bbg fertilizing effect? set to TRUE if NOx emissions are calculated with bbg effect Fertil effect of bbg on NOx soil emissions CHEMISTRY_BVOC
NOx_FERTILIZERS_USE n Calculate NOx emissions with fertilizers use? set to TRUE if NOx emissions are calculated with fertilizers use Fertilizers use effect on NOx soil emissions CHEMISTRY_BVOC
NOx_RAIN_PULSE n Calculate NOx emissions with pulse? set to TRUE if NOx rain pulse is taken into account CHEMISTRY_BVOC
OK_ECORR True if OK_FREEZE else false Energy correction for freezing Energy conservation : Correction to make sure that the same latent heat is released and consumed during freezing and thawing OK_FREEZE_THERMIX
OK_EXPLICITSNOW FALSE Activate explict snow scheme Activate explicit snow scheme instead of default snow scheme OK_SECHIBA
OK_FREEZE_CWRR True if OK_FREEZE else false CWRR freezing scheme by I. Gouttevin
OK_FREEZE FALSE Activate the complet soil freezing scheme Activate soil freezing thermal effects. Activates soil freezing hydrological effects in CWRR scheme. OK_SECHIBA
OK_FREEZE_THERMIX True if OK_FREEZE else false Activate thermal part of the soil freezing scheme
OK_HISTSYNC FALSE Syncronize and write IOIPSL output files at each time step Setting this flag to true might affect run performance. Only use it for debug perpose.
OK_MINRES y Do we try to reach a minimum reservoir even if we are severely stressed? OK_STOMATE
OK_SNOWFACT True if OK_FREEZE else false Activates the smoothering of landscapes by snow,
OK_THERMODYNAMICAL_FREEZING True Calculate frozen fraction thermodynamically Calculate frozen fraction thermodynamically if true, HYDROL_CWRR .AND. OK_FREEZE_CWRR
READ_PERMAFROST_MAP FALSE Read information about ice content, overburden and permafrost type from IPA map
READ_REFTEMP False Initialize soil temperature using climatological temperature
RENORM_LAI n flag to force LAI renormelization If true, the laimap will be renormalize between llaimin and llaimax parameters. LAI_MAP
RIVER_DESC n Writes out a description of the rivers This flag allows to write out a file containing the list of rivers which are beeing simulated. It provides location of outflow drainage area, name and ID. RIVER_ROUTING
RIVER_ROUTING n Decides if we route the water or not This flag allows the user to decide if the runoff and drainage should be routed to the ocean and to downstream grid boxes. OK_SECHIBA
SECHIBA_HISTFILE2 n Flag to switch on histfile 2 for SECHIBA (hi-frequency ?) This Flag switch on the second SECHIBA writing for hi (or low) frequency writing. This second output is optional and not written by default. OK_SECHIBA
STOMATE_OK_CO2 n Activate CO2? set to TRUE if photosynthesis is to be activated OK_SECHIBA
STOMATE_OK_DGVM n Activate DGVM? set to TRUE if DGVM is to be activated OK_STOMATE
STOMATE_OK_STOMATE n Activate STOMATE? set to TRUE if STOMATE is to be activated OK_SECHIBA and OK_CO2
TREAT_EXPANSION n treat expansion of PFTs across a grid cell? With this variable, you can determine whether we treat expansion of PFTs across a grid cell. OK_STOMATE
VEGET_REINIT y booleen to indicate that a new LAND USE file will be used. The parameter is used to bypass veget_year count and reinitialize it with VEGET_YEAR parameter. Then it is possible to change LAND USE file. MAP_PFT_FORMAT
VEGET_YEAR 1 Year of the vegetation map to be read First year for land use vegetation (2D map by pft). If VEGET_YEAR is set to 0, this means there is no time axis. MAP_PFT_FORMAT
XIOS_ORCHIDEE_OK n Use XIOS for writing diagnostics file Compiling and linking with XIOS library is necessary.
Z0CDRAG_AVE y Average method for z0 If this flag is set to true (y) then the neutral Cdrag is averaged instead of the log(z0). This should be the prefered option. We still wish to keep the other option so we can come back if needed. If this is OK_SECHIBA
ALLOW_WEATHERGEN n Allow weather generator to create data This flag allows the forcing-reader to generate synthetic data if the data in the file is too sparse and the temporal resolution would not be enough to run the model. [-]
ATM_CO2 350. Value for atm CO2 Value to prescribe the atm CO2. [-]
DUMP_WEATHER_GATHERED y Dump weather data on gathered grid If 'y', the weather data are gathered for all land points. DUMP_WEATHER
DUMP_WEATHER n Write weather from generator into a forcing file This flag makes the weather generator dump its generated weather into a forcing file which can then be used to get the same forcing on different machines. This only works correctly if there is a restart file (otherwise the forcing at the first time step is slightly wrong). ALLOW_WEATHERGEN
INTER_LIN n Interpolation IF split is larger than 1 Choose IF you wish to interpolate linearly. [-]
RELAX_A 1.0 Time constant of the relaxation layer The time constant associated to the atmospheric RELAXATION
SPRED_PREC Half of the forcing time step or uniform, depending on dt_force and dt_sechiba Spread the precipitation. Spread the precipitation over SPRED_PREC steps of the splited forcing [-]
TIME_SKIP 0 Time in the forcing file at which the model is started. This time give the point in time at which the model [-]
WEATHGEN_PRECIP_EXACT n Exact monthly precipitation If this is set to y, the weather generator will generate pseudo-random precipitations whose monthly mean is exactly the prescribed one. In this case, the daily precipitation (for rainy days) is constant (that is, some days have 0 precip, where n_precip is the prescribed number of rainy days per month). ALLOW_WEATHERGEN