1The Wailing - Super Dope. This films gorgeous setting, in rural South Korea, felt familiar and hauntingly surreal at the same time. The thick forest is beautiful and old. Lots of creepy shit can exist in there. A demon story that does what many great horror movies do; Effectively making you question your own morals and judgments while making you poop your pants.Rating Scale: Super Dope Awesome Decent Wack
2Little Monsters - Awesome. Great family zombie movie featuring kid zombies. It's pretty hilarious and the cast is a lot of fun.
3The Invisible Man - Awesome. Incredible acting that will leave you feeling uneasy and wondering what the fuck that noise that just came from the kitchen was.
4Freaky - Super Dope. Vince Vaughn absolutely kills it as a teenage girl in this freaking hilarious body-swap, slasher flick. Body swap, slasher flick is fun to say. I thought the gimmick might get old, but we stayed cracking up throughout the whole thing. Watch this one with friends.
5The Empty Man - Awesome. Creepy cult movie that's so much more creative than it lets on. Don't let it fool you into thinking it's just some Slenderman knock-off.
6Underwater - Decent. Obviously claustrophobic as hell. Cool, relentless creature.
7Mayhem - Awesome. Fun and chaotic. Doesn't let up in it's bloody rampage of an office building filled with shitty people you can't wait to see get theres.
8Train to Busan - Super Dope. Beautiful zombie movie. One of my favorites of all time. Relentlessly violent zombies produce genuine scares, while the cast puts so much heart into these characters and performances that you can't help but connect to them and root for their survival on this goddamned terror train with all you've got. It's emotional scenes are gutting. It's violent scenes people just get gutted. This is the best zombie film, ever.
9Hell House LLC - Wack. Found footage with a less than a few creepy parts. For people who think clowns are scary, I guess? I hear this one pop up on lots of people's scariest lists, but it did not grab me at all. I thought the characters were boring and unlikeable. The idea of a haunted house actually being haunted could be a lot fun, and that makes me even more disappointed by this one.
10Motel Hell - Awesome. I love horror films that don't take themselves to seriously. Fun fact, I had no idea this was filmed in the 80s. The whole time I thought it was a modern take on 80s horror. I'm not sure what that says about me or the movie, but I had a great time with it. It takes all kinds of critters to make farmer Vincent's Fritters!
11Psycho Goreman - Super Dope. This one is made for me. One of my new favorites. The movie feels something like the sick offspring of a discount Power Ranger villain and The Toxic Avenger. Real good. It feels real good. Great music, funny writing, gross-out special FX, and hunky boys. What's not to like?
12The Babysitter - Awesome. Really well done comedy horror about satanic cults and the teens who love them. Great gore and blood effects and fun characters.
13The Babysitter: Killer Queen - Decent. Less fun than the original, but still worth a watch to see where the story goes, and for more creative kills.
14Midnight Mass - Super Dope. I loved this one. Mike Flanigan has quickly become one of my favorite modern horror directors. I was so impressed with the bleak story that took place on this dying and decrepit island town. The performances were all so solid, but Hamish Linklater and Samantha Sloyen, who played Father Paul and Bev, respectively, completely blew me away. Sloyen for making me dislike a character to the Joffrey Baratheon of extremes, and Linklater for giving these powerful, building monologues that when they finally crested had me, ME, feeling like I needed at least a communion wafer, or something. Seriously had my blood pumping. Don't miss this one. And if you're a fan of horror, you owe it to yourselves to check out Flanigan's other projects.
15Army of the Dead - Decent. Popcorn zombie flick. A turn your brain off, shooty-shooty, boom-boom good time, with fun characters.
16It Follows - Super Dope. Such a strange idea that could've easily gone off the rails or came off as a little goofy, which would've totally broke immersion. Thankfully, it's handled with such suspenseful precision that your butt will stay more puckered than if it grew teeth and bit a lemon. A puckered butt might be useful in the horrifying premise this movie lays out. It leaves you wondering when your turn could be. And that is something you don't want to be thinking about when your laying in bed, afterwards. There are scenes in this one that will stick with me forever.
17The Ritual - Wack. Cool creature design and lore, but I did not care about the characters at all and found them and the story to be so forgetably boring. The creepy creature in this deserved better.
18One Cut of the Dead - Super Dope. The most imaginative and impressively acted zombie film I've ever seen. Creativity just gushes out of every newly fresh wound, then sprays the audience, keeping you engaged and glued to the screen the whole time. I had so much fun watching it. I'm still left in awe at just how they managed to film this so flawlessly, so effortlessly, while making it look just the opposite.
19Boys from County Hell - Awesome. An Irish road crew takes on an ancient vampire. That should be all you need to check this one out.
20Slaxx - Awesome. Don't try to read too much into its shallow message on consumerism. Enjoy the killer pants. They dance and kill!
21Mandy - Super Dope. Fucking wonderful and brilliant. This is a Nic Cage trip you absolutely need to take. It's a Mad Max nightmare. It's sick and perfect. I love the colors, the direction, the story and the dark-ass places it goes. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but when something has this much style it doesn't have to.
22Reanimator - Awesome.
23Vampires vs The Bronx - Decent. The kids in this were a blast to watch. Fun to see the community come together to try and take out some blood-sucking gentrifiers. Definitely wanted a little more scary from this movie, but it's great to watch with family or friends, regardless.
24Vicious Fun - Awesome. Very vicious. Very fun. And funny! What a situation, to end up at a self-help meeting for serial killers. 80's vibe and dope music help it out a lot.
25Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Super Dope. Favorite horror movie of all time. I could go on forever about it. The Chainsaw dance scene is everything I love about horror.
26Under Wraps - Decent. Disney mummy movie that's actually pretty fun.
27Halloweentown - Awesome. It's Halloweentown.
28The Nightmare Before Christmas - Super Dope. This quintessential Halloween AND Christmas movie can do no wrong. Perfectly creepy and my favorite music of any Disney film.
29Color out of Space - Super Dope. Extremely tense and scary, the creeped-out energy flows from this cosmic horror film. Just watching a family lose it is scary enough. Throw in some ancient alien shit and Nic Cage and we're on a whole 'nother level. Deeply disturbing things happen in this that will stay with me.
30Blood Quantum - Awesome. Not delivered as strongly as I'd hoped, but loved, loved, loved the world and the premise. Definitely want to see a sequel. Solid zombie movie with a beautiful message that will absolutely fly over the heads of the people who need to understand it most. WHITE PEOPLE. It's white people.
31The Descent - Awesome. Still love it. Still tragic.
32Tucker and Dale vs Evil - Fucking Awesome. The best horror buddy comedy ever.
33Triangle - Awesome. Trippy timeloop, mindfuck of a movie. I felt dizzy. And some serious existential dread.
34Halloween Kills - Wack. Self-aware to almost a fault. I'm not a Michael Myers fan, but if you are you'll probably like this shitty movie.
35The Dark and The Wicked - Awesome. Old MacDonald had a demon. A couple, actually, and they are scaaarry! A well-acted, nightmare on a farm. Really glad to not be living in rural Wyoming after watching this one.
36Society - Super Dope. Holy shit, what the fuck? Seriously. Just go in blind. Know that it's exceptionally gross, though. Exceptionally, like you can't even imagine. How did this one ever get past me? Surely I would've heard about about a movie with a literal butthead, no? Well, forget I said that and go and watch this one. Preferably on an empty stomach.
37Malignant - Wack. Shot well enough to make it all the way through this awful story. Interesting kill scene towards the end. That's about it, for me. I had too high of hopes, I think. I don't think I was supposed to laugh so much at it.
38Antlers - Awesome. Bleak and desperate. Made me really care about the characters. Frightening creature effects.
39The Ice-Cream Man - Decent. Dude, Clint Howard as a killer Ice-Cream truck driver? Yes. Shout out to the pillow they stuffed into Tuna's shirt to make him look chubby.
40Caveat - Awesome. Felt truly terrified, at points. Watch with the lights out and alone. That will do the fucking trick, I promise.
41The Thing - Super Dope. My super-secretest of shames. I hadn't watched this classic up until earlier this year! I know. What a poser. Listen, something about the premise just never grabbed me. A bunch of dudes in the cold with a thing? Come on. But I gave it a shot, and this thing shot right up to my top three horror films of all time. Shoot, top films period. God, those creature and make-up effects. I could not get enough and now I totally understand. It lived up to all the 40 years of hype I let accumulate, and it outshined even that. Learning more and more about how they filmed this just makes me appreciate it even more. Lot's of things like how they kept the sets cold, and how Tobe Hooper almost directed it. Watching The Thing will be an annual tradition for me, from now on. How cool that a 40 year old film can hold up like this?
42Martyrs - Decent. Unfortunately, this one suffered by being severely overhyped, for me. I see why people hold it in such high regard, though. The, "so I just started blasting" beginning had me hooked, but it slowed up so much. This says more about how many terrible, torture-porn style movies I've digested, and my desensitization towards anything less than, lets say, the baby scene from The Human Caterpillar 2, than anything. This movie is brutal, no doubt about it, and I really dug the question the ending gave me, but I probably won't ever watch again.
43Possum - Decent. Arthouse puppet horror, and what a nightmare of a puppet it is.
44Hellbender - Super Dope. Really loved this honest and genuinely independent horror film. All done by a small, but extremely creative film-making family. Witchcraft and the lure of power that exists for it felt super fresh in this film. The special effects are gory and hellish, the music rocks, and I loved the main actresses' genuine portrayal of a mother/daughter relationship. Probably because they are actually mother and daughter in real life. How cool. Really looking forward to whatever they put out next.
45Jakob's Wife - Awesome. Barbara Crampton is a freaking delight as a vampire in an absolute bloodbath of a movie. Dark and hilarious. SO MUCH BLOOD!
46Doctor Sleep - Awesome. Mike Flannigan does this sequel to the shining justice. Incredible directing and a great story. At first I was like, oh great This lady from Eugene with the hat is going to be super annoying, but she quickly changed my mind and scared the shit out of me. This is a great one.
47Anything for Jackson - Awesome. Very creepy demons and kills.
48The Night House - Decent. Loved the idea, but I didn't get scared once. Honestly, I got bored despite the great acting and premise.
49The Lodge - Awesome. Great atmosphere and tension. Keeps you wondering what's real and what's not. The setting made me really feel the cold and isolation.
50The Sadness- Decent. One of the best first kills I've ever seen. Quickly devolves into a torture porn style film, which I don't really care for anymore. This one could've been one of my favorites of the year, but when a film starts doing gross shit just for the extremeness of it, it loses me.
51The Stuff - Decent. Hilariously bad.
52Anthropophagus - Awesome. There are two scenes that make this worth the watch. 80's Italian cannibal movie that starts and plods along slowly, but when it picks up it delivers some of the most gruesome shit I've ever seen. I was left with my mouth as wide open as it could go.
53Kuso - Awesome. I can't actually recommend this to anyone. It's fucking wild. If you can get through this shockingly gross film, you will leave feeling like you might have just watched something brilliant. Something important. Might have. Or you may feel the urge to punch me in the mouth. If you don't make it through, I don't blame you for a second. This one is only for those seeking meaning in this world who aren't afraid to get, ummm, penetrated in their talking neck-boil to find it. If that last sentence turned you off, DO NOT WATCH THIS. For the one or two of you intrigued, you have been warned. Brought to you by the incredible Flying Lotus, so you know there's gonna be dope music. Loved that David Firth, from Salad Fingers, was also involved. You can tell. Special shout out to the spoken word poetry featured. It was like an earthquake. That was seriously good.
54What Keeps You Alive - Wack. Totally predictable plot.
55Spontaneous - Awesome. Unexpected and unassuming. This one actually hit a little hard when I came to the realization on what it was actually about.
56The Boy Behind the Door - Decent. Keeps you tense and hoping these poor kids don't fall into too many escape the scary house tropes. And they do a decent job.
57The Green Knight - Awesome. Beautiful, deliberate fantasy horror. Like a dream.
58The Lighthouse - Awesome. Willem Dafoe and Sparkle Batman give some seriously incredible performances. The dread never lets up.
59Nightmare Alley - Awesome. A different type of horror. Final scene left me with a special kind of fear. Guillermo Del Toro is incredible at what he does. While this doesn't come close to his best, this is a gorgeous looking movie with solid acting and story.
60Possessor - Decent.
61Oculus - Awesome. Please give this one a try. It's so smart and creative.
62Terrifier - Awesome. I did not think I was going to like this. Killer clowns aren't really my bag. Unless they're from outer space. But this does an awesome job at introducing a new and instant horror icon. Old school slasher feel with moments of extreme brutality. What a face on that fucking clown.
63La Llorona - Awesome. Something of a political drama/horror. Not what I expected from a movie about la llorona, but very much welcome. Love the message.
643 From Hell - Bad and racist. This Rob Zombie at his worst, which is fucking saying something. Even without the strange racism that pops up when the crew travel to Mexico, this is so bad and not in any fun kind of way. I'm actually a fan of House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects, but avoid this one. The movie is definitely missing it's heart in Captain Spaulding, who was played by the late, great Sid Haig. RIP.
65House - Awesome. Never seen anything like it. Inventive 70s filmmaking. An oddball of a movie. Go in blind and expect nothing but weird fun.
66Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark - Decent. Much better than I imagined it would be. Not even close to the scares the books gave me, but they chose a good cast of kids to retell these stories.
67Fear Street Part 1: 1994 - Awesome. A fun teen slasher. Exactly what you would expect from this series, based off the book series. These books were some of my first steps into horror, and the movies did a great job capturing how thrilled I felt reading them as a kid. Fun cast and fun kills.
68Fear Street Part 2: 1978 - Awesome. This one takes us back to the classic summer camp slasher, and it perfectly captures that vibe. Fun and fast.
69Fear street Part 3:1666 - Awesome. A great conclusion to the trilogy. These are perfect to watch with friends.
70Superhost - Awesome. So much fun. Watch who you rate just 4 stars.
71Black Christmas - Decent
72The Babadook - Awesome. I watched this when it first came out and it just didn't hit. On re-watch, I was completely glued to the story. The kid was much less annoying to me and I really cared for him and the mom. Very glad I gave this one a shot, again.
73Last Night in Soho - Awesome. Stylish horror thriller. Very well directed and a great cast.
74Candyman, 2021 - Super Dope. There were some issues with the ending, but the great performances and message made this sequel feel very fresh and scary. Loved it.
75Titane - Awesome. What this film does is confusing. But the performances by these actors are incredible and absolutely deserving of an audience that appreciates them. Don't let the weird shit get to you, and your in for a fucking treat.
76The Cabin - Awesome. Just a very well done horror comedy with excellent creatures and interesting characters, and an ending that cannot be missed if you're a horror fan.
77Saint Maude - Wack. I was so, so bored. What an uninteresting lead and predictable ending. I wish I knew why people liked this one so much.
78Parasite - Super Dope. If not the best, definitely at the top of the list for best story and acting. I'm a big fan of Bong Joon Ho and this is his best, by far. The horror of class struggle.
79V/H/S: 94 - Wack. Hail Raatma, though. Excited to see what the director of Storm Drain does next( It's Watcher! It's on this list, later!). Nothing else of note here, unfortunately.
80The Vast of Night - Awesome. Incredible camera work. Really keeps you on edge. Really great dialogue and performances.
81Glorious - Decent. J.K. Simmons as some Lovecraftian elder god that's hiding out in a dirty toilet stall and talking to some dude through a glory hole. Sounds good and weird, no? Not as good and weird as I would've liked, but still a fun watch.
82Salem's Lot - Decent. Loved how The Master looked. This one's long and a bit of a slow-burn. But it actually pays off.
83The Mad God - Super Dope. I can't believe this movie. The stop-motion animation is a gruesome experience that I just can't get over. The movie is horrifying and twisted in all the best ways. Don't try to follow the plot. Something about our cycles of violence and pain and our willingness to torment those we perceive as less than and how it all doesn't really matter. It's nihilistic and depressing. But stay for the nightmarish visuals. They are why you're here. This world is brutal, scary, sick, and wet. The monsters in it are as well.
84Terrified - Decent. Jump scare after jump scare after jump scare. Definitely not my cup of tea, but would be fun to watch with a small group in a dark room.
85Noroi: The Curse - Awesome. Well made found footage film with fun lore. I'm not the biggest fan of found footage. This would've made a great short on a V/H/S anthology
86The Innocents - Awesome. Such a good cast. The kids do an awesome job at just being believable kids. It's cool watching their little adventures as they discover they're unique powers. Warning: There is an awful animal death scene.
87Host - Awesome. Short and fun film about a seance over Zoom!
88Saloum - Awesome. Loved this one. More on the action side than horror, but the characters are so much fun to watch.
89Lake Mungo - Super Dope. Incredibly terrifying. One of the most unique watching experiences I've ever had. Go into this one without looking too much into it. Going in, the one thing I knew, was that this is the director's only movie. He has since disappeared. Creepy. There were points throughout this film where I wasn't sure if what was happening was actually real or not. I had to actually check to make sure these were actors. Fun fact: This movie completely fucked up two nights of sleep, for me. Now that is something special.
90Censor - Awesome. What a great surprise of a movie this was. Well made, super unique presentation. The lead actress was so good.
91Hellraiser 2022 - Awesome. Solid return to the franchise. Loved the new hell priest. I grew up watching the originals and they never failed to give me nightmares. Happy to report that this one continued the trend. Cenobites just know how to get me.
92The Mortuary Collection - Awesome. This one was a good time. Not too scary, not too original, but creatively presented and well paced. I recommend this one with friends or family. This collection of gory shorts left me just the right amount of grossed out and pleasantly surprised.
93Us - Awesome. This is a very different movie from Get Out. Yet familiar. The level of detail is astonishing. If you're like me and for some reason missed this one when it came out, I won't spoil anything. Just watch it and be amazed and entertained at the
94X - Awesome. Really glad that I was able to go into this one without knowing much about it. Really enjoyed it and the commentary on this fucking country's flip-flopped and ass-backwards views on sex and violence. This had a lot of awesome moments
95Watcher - Awesome. I was really looking forward to this one. Cloe Akuna directed the best short from VHS 94 so I was really excited about what she could do with a full length feature film. She delivered some tense, well-paced, scary shit. I can't say much about it without spoiling, so I'll just say the lead actress did a great job at portraying how it feels to be alone and then scared while alone. While these type of movies that lean more towards suspense don't usually do it for me, this one paid off. I'm definitely there for her next project.
96A Quiet Place Part 2 - Awesome. The novelty of the first has wore itself a little thin, unfortunately, and I had a tough time connecting to any of these characters except for the daughter. She has come a long way and the actress who plays her makes this movie worth the watch just to see where her story goes. Not too scary, but plenty of tense scenes in this one that definitely had me holding my breath.
97Hatching - Awesome. Wow. What a great and creepy creature. The mom and daughter's
98V/H/S/ 99 - Decent. I was excited for this one. I always look forward to all of the VHS anthologies. I'm almost always disappointed by them, except for one or two parts, but I always have hope. Luckily this had two stories that I really enjoyed. The Flylo directed Ozzy's Dungeon was a lot of fun. I'm a big fan of Flying Lotus' special brand of weirdness. He mixes it up with a Legends of the HIdden Temple kind of vibe and gives a funny little revenge short with cool, gross-out visual. The segment you really wanna stick around for, though, is To Hell and Back. This one is such a fun ride. Really funny writing, great performances, and dope special effects. This short led me to one of my favorite movies of the year, Deadstream, from the same directors.
99Deadstream - Super Dope. What a fun and unexpected movie for my 100th. I caught wind of these directors when I watched their short on V/H/S/99. It was by far my favorite part of that anthology, and I was so happy that they brought the same exact energy to this one. Fast paced, hilarious writing, and genuinely creepy scenes
100Barbarian - Super Dope. Possibly my favorite horror movie of 2022. I don't want to say too much, as this one is best experienced by just jumping in with little to no prior knowledge of it. Which is what I was able to do and goddamn, it got me good. I was scared to walk to the bathroom, after, and then I had a terrifying dream based on it. I loved, loved, loved it. Don't miss it!