Denver Community Resources Directory

Welcome to the Denver Community Resources Directory (Updated as of April 2022). Please utilize the tabs on the bottom as a guide to find specific resources to assist your students, your families, or anyone else in need. You may also use the Master DPS Resource Sheet which lists all of the resources in the subsequent tabs. If you search in the master sheet, it may be helpful to press CTRL+F and search for the resource you need by keyword (e.g. Disabilities, Clothing, Shelters) or by zip code (e.g. 80203, 80221, etc.) to find the nearest resources to your client.

**Please note, with the amount of information on each page, you may need to use the horizontal slider on the bottom of the screen to access the address or business hours.**

If anything needs to be edited/altered, please reach out to Britt_rosenquist@dpsk12.net