What do you think of the Fursday Friends rule?
The Fursday Friends rule should apply to:
We have had requests to make Stash/Yarn haul posts restricted to one day #StashSaturday (like Fursday Friends). How do you feel about this rule being implemented?
Should "What can I make with this yarn (picture of yarn)" posts be included in the stash Saturday flair?
Should crochet related political/current event posts be allowed? (mods are working towards and responding to multiple suggestions for the way forward with regards to how this sub deals with political posts. We do want to hear from everyone and plan to have a discussion on the sub that we will invite all members to participate in so we can make an informed decision going forward. In the meantime a politics flair/tag will help people to filter this out if they do not want to see it)
Are you happy with the new FAQ/Beginner sticky post?
On our last rule review we relaxed the NSFW restrictions. Are you happy with how that has been?
Do you like the bot we added that asks for the pattern on all FO (finished object) posts?
What do you think of the bot that identifies reposts and automatically deletes those posts?
We have amended the 90/10 rule to NO PROMOTION UNLESS YOU ARE A GOOD CONTRIBUTER TO THE SUB. This means the majority of a person's posts must not be promotion, it still aligns with the 90/10 rule in essence. Are you happy with this rule?
Do you like that posts are required to have a flair tag?
Do you want any other flairs/tags?
Are you happy with Work In Progress posts any day of the week?
We have added an Automod bot to link to the wiki when the help flair is used, do you think this is a good idea? (We will trial it and review at a later date)
Do you have any other concerns that you would like the mods to discuss?
6/20/2022 2:20:33
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pets sitting on or near crochet work
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday but still allow posts of "what could I make with this skein?" on any day of the week.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I have seen a reduction in duplicate posts and reposts, and so the bot seems to be working.
Yes, it's working.YesYarn Chicken
Yes, allow them on any day
7/9/2022 21:07:03
I think that people should be able to post pictures of their pets/baby on any day of the week.
Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yarn Chicken, Beginner Advice
Yes, allow them on any day
7/9/2022 21:12:15
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
Noyes with a thread flairYes
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yarn Chicken, Selling Advice, Beginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
7/9/2022 21:14:09
I think that people should be able to post pictures of their pets/baby on any day of the week.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
Do not change it
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I have seen a reduction in duplicate posts and reposts, and so the bot seems to be working.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yarn Chicken, Selling Advice, Beginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/9/2022 21:19:47
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I have seen a reduction in duplicate posts and reposts, and so the bot seems to be working.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yarn Chicken, Selling Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
7/9/2022 21:31:27
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.YesNo, I like the way it is now
Yes, allow them on any day
7/9/2022 21:38:46
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
Do not change it
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.YesPolitics
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/9/2022 21:43:26
I think that people should be able to post pictures of their pets/baby on any day of the week.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yarn Chicken, Beginner Advice
Yes, allow them on any day
7/9/2022 21:47:31
I don't have an opinion on this.
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yes, allow them on any day
7/9/2022 21:47:56
I don't have an opinion on this.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
Yesposting "politcal" crochet work is ok, but discussing politics should happen elsewhere (other sub, maybe dedicated megathread)Yes
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
No, we need more regulation
Yes, allow them on any day
7/9/2022 21:50:32
I don't have an opinion on this.
YesI am okay with it but I want it lumped in one space (don't want to see a million of them as I scroll through the page)
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, allow them on any day
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/9/2022 21:51:38
I don't have an opinion on this.
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yarn Chicken, Selling Advice, Beginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/9/2022 22:21:27
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
If a significant political event results in an uptick in posts, perhaps a pinned post could be used to group these together. Additionally, it can be frustrating when one country’s politics dominate a sub.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Ban self promotional material
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Any thoughts on how to handle the “help me find a pattern” with an accompanying photo of commercially available items? These posts occur frequently and add little to the sub.
7/9/2022 22:34:56
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yarn Chicken, Beginner Advice
Yes, allow them on any day
7/9/2022 22:43:33
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I have seen a reduction in duplicate posts and reposts, and so the bot seems to be working.
Ban self promotional material
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/9/2022 22:45:45
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pictures primarily of FOs that happen to have pets in them
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yes, allow them on any day
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/9/2022 22:49:08
I think that people should be able to post pictures of their pets/baby on any day of the week.
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
The bot has caught posts of mine that were not reposts, and this was annoying.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yarn Chicken, Beginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
7/9/2022 22:52:02
I don't have an opinion on this.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Selling Advice, Beginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
7/9/2022 22:53:41
I think that people should be able to post pictures of their pets/baby on any day of the week.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus, Pictures primarily of FOs that happen to have pets in them
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
YesI don't have an opinion on this
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
No, it is pretty annoying.
I had no idea this bot existed.
I don't have an opinion on this.
YesBeginner Advice, Politics
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/9/2022 22:54:26
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
YesI don't have an opinion on this
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.YesBeginner Advice
Yes, allow them on any day
7/9/2022 23:03:45
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
Maybe a mega thread for major political events that the sub is starting to discuss? So posts and discussion can be allowed while not taking up space for folks that are not interested.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yarn Chicken, Selling Advice, Beginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
YesThanks for all you do! This sub is one of the few I truly feel like I want to contribute to, it’s so welcoming for everyone.
7/9/2022 23:06:16
I think that people should be able to post pictures of their pets/baby on any day of the week.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus, Pictures primarily of FOs that happen to have pets in them
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I have seen a reduction in duplicate posts and reposts, and so the bot seems to be working.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yarn Chicken, Selling Advice, Beginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
YesPosts that ask for a pattern from a picture should go on the beginners thread or maybe make a weekly thread for them
7/9/2022 23:09:50
I don't have an opinion on this.
Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.YesBeginner Advice, Politics
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/9/2022 23:11:20
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus, Pictures primarily of FOs that happen to have pets in them
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yarn Chicken, Selling Advice, Beginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
7/9/2022 23:12:16
I think that people should be able to post pictures of their pets/baby on any day of the week.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus, Pictures primarily of FOs that happen to have pets in them
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Selling Advice, Beginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/9/2022 23:20:05
I think that people should be able to post pictures of their pets/baby on any day of the week.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yarn Chicken, Selling Advice, Beginner Advice, Politics
No, restrict them to Wednesdays
YesNo, thank you.
7/9/2022 23:21:54
I think that people should be able to post pictures of their pets/baby on any day of the week.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet
Do not change itNoYes
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
I don't have an opinion on this.
YesSelling Advice
Yes, allow them on any day
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/9/2022 23:24:34
I think that people should be able to post pictures of their pets/baby on any day of the week.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Selling Advice, Beginner Advice
Yes, allow them on any day
7/9/2022 23:36:20
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus, Pictures primarily of FOs that happen to have pets in them
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yarn Chicken, Beginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
I don't have an opinion on this.
Nope - love the sub!
7/9/2022 23:41:18
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus, Pictures primarily of FOs that happen to have pets in them
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
YesNo way. This is an international website. I have no interest in US politics.Yes
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.Yes
I don't have an opinion on this.
There are still too many posts of animals by stealth. A picture of crochet with an animal in all but the first photo but the title and comments are all about the animal. These posts are the main reason I visit much less often now. The Thursday rule is stretched beyond breaking point. It already allows animal posts for over a third of the week (It's Thursday somewhere!) I appreciate the rule but every stealth animal post you allow only increases the number we see.

There are more subs than you can count for photos of animals. Can we please have this little corner for actual crochet and not for the pets of people who crochet.
7/9/2022 23:46:00
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
I don't have an opinion on this.
YesNo, I like the way it is now
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 0:05:54
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus, Pictures primarily of FOs that happen to have pets in them
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I have seen a reduction in duplicate posts and reposts, and so the bot seems to be working.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yarn Chicken, Selling Advice, Beginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 0:05:57
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pictures primarily of FOs that happen to have pets in them
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I have seen a reduction in duplicate posts and reposts, and so the bot seems to be working.
Yes, it's working.YesPolitics
Yes, allow them on any day
Please would it be possible to rearrange (move the disclaimer to the end) and simplify the very beginning of the "Getting Started With Crochet" ? Many newbie posts ask, "What do I need?" I believe lately many want to read generic specifics: Find a 5.5 mm crochet hook, a solid color, light colored yarn with a No. 4 somewhere on the label, stitch markers, a yarn needle, and scissors. Find a beginner crochet book, a video tutorial, and/or a person to show you how to begin. Then continue with basic or the broader written explanations and options for some of the specifics. ---------Thank you all!
7/10/2022 0:19:31
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
YesI don't have an opinion on this
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Beginner Advice, Intermediate advice
No, restrict them to Wednesdays
I don't have an opinion on this.
For some projects, like blankets and scarves, I'd like to see the reverse side to help me decide whether I want to also make that project. I'm not sure how you would suggest this (maybe in the FO flair comment or in the autobot reply, or just as a temporary sticky?)
7/10/2022 0:26:02
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
I feel mixed, though support the tag! I like unrrelated political posts (e.g., finding out a famous person or politician wears or does crochet). Also don't mind when the crochet itself is politically motivated (e.g., crocheted for social justice org). These are like politically adjacent. However, this is my safe destress sub. Don't really want posts that plea for political action or make judgments. Find that extremely stressful tbh.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I have seen a reduction in duplicate posts and reposts, and so the bot seems to be working.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yarn Chicken, Beginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
YesNo other concerns. You guys are doing amazingly!! I absolutely love this sub. Going through an extremely stressful period in my life, and having crochet and this sub is such a gift!
7/10/2022 0:53:03
I think that people should be able to post pictures of their pets/baby on any day of the week.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus, Pictures primarily of FOs that happen to have pets in them
I don't have an opinion on this.
At this point even a wildly patriotic pattern gives a certain Energy. I think it would be difficult for mods to consistently offer impartial moderation as far as posts go. I think the best way forward is to put divisive posts through the hate speech filter - if it's passive it stays, if it promotes violent ideas or action against others then it goes.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I have seen a reduction in duplicate posts and reposts, and so the bot seems to be working.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yarn Chicken, Beginner Advice, Politics, If the Stash Saturday ends up not including "what can I make with this?" posts, maybe add a "Project Suggestions" flair?
Yes, allow them on any day
NoFrom my interactions the mod team is doing a good job with the subreddit! Aside from the wild amount of "what can I make" posts there isn't much that I can think of to change.
7/10/2022 0:58:08
I don't have an opinion on this.
Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yarn Chicken, Selling Advice, Beginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 1:13:10
I don't have an opinion on this.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I have seen a reduction in duplicate posts and reposts, and so the bot seems to be working.
Yes, it's working.YesNo, I like the way it is now
Yes, allow them on any day
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/10/2022 1:35:39
I don't have an opinion on this.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yarn Chicken, Beginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/10/2022 1:36:44
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I have seen a reduction in duplicate posts and reposts, and so the bot seems to be working.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yarn Chicken, Selling Advice, Beginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 1:45:37
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus, Pictures primarily of FOs that happen to have pets in them
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
YesFlair /tagNoNoNo, it is pretty annoying.
I had no idea this bot existed.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yarn Chicken, Selling Advice, Beginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
NoIMO the beginner sticky post is useless because I see tons of beginners just making a regular post anyway. For the sticky post to be useful, I think you will have to ban beginner posts outside of the sticky thread.
7/10/2022 1:45:42
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.YesSelling Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/10/2022 1:51:34
I think that people should be able to post pictures of their pets/baby on any day of the week.
Do not change itNoYes
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yarn Chicken, Selling Advice, Beginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
I believe it's a good idea to tell people which days are best for certain topics, i.e. fursday and stashsaturday, etc. But I don't believe people should have their posts removed or get in trouble for posting on the 'wrong' day. I believe people (me included) have enough on their plate and come to this sub to enjoy yarn. I'd rather not have to use the mental faculties or mark my calender to remind myself when I can show off my yarn. I really enjoy this sub and adding rules to that extent would take away from that joy.
7/10/2022 2:01:48
I don't have an opinion on this.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus, Pictures primarily of FOs that happen to have pets in them
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
I don't have an opinion on this.
YesBeginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
Crafting and activism have gone hand-in-hand for generations. I think it’s incredibly important to allow political topics, especially if the discussion leads to how our craft can help cope/inform/facilitate discussions/etc. Those who don’t want to see anything political are the ones who have the privilege to ignore what’s happening around them. If you’re someone whose affected by “the politics,” it’s an integral part of your day-to-day and can’t be ignored. The flair is a great idea so that way those who want to can ignore those posts, but I found the discussions about politics and crochet to be very helpful during the last few weeks.
7/10/2022 2:03:32
I think that people should be able to post pictures of their pets/baby on any day of the week.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus, Pictures primarily of FOs that happen to have pets in them
I don't have an opinion on this.
if the work is an expression of their opinion then it’s okay. if it’s work with description bashing others’ opinions then it shouldn’t be okay. maybe just discourage discussions or arguments and stress the focus of everything in the sub is crochet and crochet work
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
I don't have an opinion on this.
YesBeginner Advice
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/10/2022 2:17:43
I think that people should be able to post pictures of their pets/baby on any day of the week.
Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.YesNo, I like the way it is now
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 2:24:19
I don't have an opinion on this.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Selling Advice, Beginner Advice
No, restrict them to Wednesdays
7/10/2022 2:25:27
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
I don't have an opinion on this.
No, it is pretty annoying.
I had no idea this bot existed.
I don't have an opinion on this.
YesNo, I like the way it is now
Yes, allow them on any day
I don't have an opinion on this.
Y'all are doing a great job.
7/10/2022 2:32:03
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus, Pictures primarily of FOs that happen to have pets in them
Do not change itNoYesYesYes
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.YesBeginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 2:54:09
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.NoNo, I like the way it is now
Yes, allow them on any day
I don't have an opinion on this.
I enjoy this sub! Thanks for everything you do.
7/10/2022 3:02:40
I think that people should be able to post pictures of their pets/baby on any day of the week.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yarn Chicken, Beginner Advice
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 3:10:00
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.No
Yes, allow them on any day
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/10/2022 3:10:47
I think that people should be able to post pictures of their pets/baby on any day of the week.
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
I don't have an opinion on this.
YesNo, I like the way it is now
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 3:28:07
I think that people should be able to post pictures of their pets/baby on any day of the week.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.YesPolitics
Yes, allow them on any day
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/10/2022 3:28:38
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Do not change it
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
I don't have an opinion on this.
YesYarn Chicken, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/10/2022 3:33:45
I don't have an opinion on this.
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
I had no idea this bot existed.
I don't have an opinion on this.
YesBeginner Advice
Yes, allow them on any day
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/10/2022 3:34:35
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
YesI think it should be restricted to like one comment thread. Not everyone wants to be political and would like to avoid the discussion if they’d like to.YesYes
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I have seen a reduction in duplicate posts and reposts, and so the bot seems to be working.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yarn Chicken, Beginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 3:46:14
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus, Pictures primarily of FOs that happen to have pets in them
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.YesBeginner Advice
Yes, allow them on any day
YesWIP every day is very important as we all have work we’ve not completed and getting feedback or input on it can help us to complete it. Also this sub is amazing
7/10/2022 4:12:35
I think that people should be able to post pictures of their pets/baby on any day of the week.
Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus, Pictures primarily of FOs that happen to have pets in them
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.YesNo, I like the way it is now
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 4:21:18
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I have seen a reduction in duplicate posts and reposts, and so the bot seems to be working.
No, we need more regulation
I don't have an opinion on this.
For the 2nd question, I think Fursday Friends should apply to posts that are crochet-related, but mostly just showing off pets, e.g. "Look what my dog/cat did to my yarn wahhh". I don't think that any of the options given for that question should be limited to one day of the week because they all have crochet FOs as the main focus of the post.

For the 4th question, "What can I make with this yarn (picture of yarn)" type posts should really just flat-out be banned. There's information in the FAQ that beginners should read, and they can also just be referred to Ravelry or even just Google. And there have been so many posts where the yarn is manufactured by Hobby Lobby, and we all know what happens on those posts (rightfully so, IMO, but it doesn't actually help answer the person's question about the yarn they have clearly already paid for).

I also think "Selling Advice" questions should just be banned, but I can live with a filter for it. Most of the time, these questions have already been answered and could easily be found by searching the sub. A lot of them are also Etsy-specific, and should be posted in an Etsy Sellers forum or subreddit.

(PS Thank you for all yall do!)
7/10/2022 4:25:12
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/10/2022 4:40:05
I don't have an opinion on this.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
I think there is always room for discussion, maybe a one thread sticky post? That way people who want to participate can go right there and others can keep scrolling
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yarn Chicken, Selling Advice, Beginner Advice
I don't have an opinion on this.
YesNo concerns, just appreciation! I think the mod team is doing a great job and I love how welcoming the community is, it's one of my favorite subs and the "pattern please" bot on FO posts is so helpful and cuts down on comment clutter!
7/10/2022 4:40:26
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yarn Chicken, Beginner Advice
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 4:57:29
I think that people should be able to post pictures of their pets/baby on any day of the week.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
I don't have an opinion on this.
YesBeginner Advice
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 5:33:31
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
I think political stuff should be limited to projects that would be donated to a cause. I.e. Ukraine or a natural disaster or a woman’s rights organization if that makes sense.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yarn Chicken, Selling Advice, Beginner Advice
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/10/2022 6:27:20
I think that people should be able to post pictures of their pets/baby on any day of the week.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus, Pictures primarily of FOs that happen to have pets in them
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Selling Advice, Beginner Advice
Yes, allow them on any day
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/10/2022 6:29:17
I don't have an opinion on this.
Pictures primarily of FOs that happen to have pets in them
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yarn Chicken, Selling Advice, Beginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 6:44:58
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
I believe we deserve safe spaces away from politics/conflicts. Not everyone on this subreddit is from the same location. See the weekly "hobby lobby is bad" gets annoying (i dont agree with their practices, but it doesn't need to be screamed weekly). In the absence of an outrught prohibition on politics keeping things to a single thread is a decent compromise. Don't let the vocal minority rule the sub.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I have seen a reduction in duplicate posts and reposts, and so the bot seems to be working.
Yes, it's working.YesNo, I like the way it is now
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 6:53:51
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.YesBeginner Advice
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 7:17:41
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I have seen a reduction in duplicate posts and reposts, and so the bot seems to be working.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yarn Chicken, Selling Advice, Beginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 7:46:24
I think that people should be able to post pictures of their pets/baby on any day of the week.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Ban self promotional material
NoNo, I like the way it is now
Yes, allow them on any day
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/10/2022 7:47:51
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.YesYarn Chicken, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 8:04:58
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus, Pictures primarily of FOs that happen to have pets in them
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.YesSelling Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
I don't know if anything could be done with this, but I keep seeing posts asking "what is this stitch/how do I make this" about the same things. Granny squares and stitches, holey/distressed look, etc. I always sort by "new" and there will be posts about the same thing not even a page apart. Is there a way to encourage people to search the sub or do some of their own legwork before posting?
7/10/2022 9:07:04
I don't have an opinion on this.
Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yesyes but limitedYes
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.YesBeginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 9:14:10
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
YesI don't have an opinion on thisYes
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I have seen a reduction in duplicate posts and reposts, and so the bot seems to be working.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yarn Chicken, Selling Advice, Beginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/10/2022 9:46:48
I think that people should be able to post pictures of their pets/baby on any day of the week.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus, Pictures primarily of FOs that happen to have pets in them
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yarn Chicken, Selling Advice, Beginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 9:58:25
I don't have an opinion on this.
Do not change it
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.YesNo, I like the way it is now
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 9:59:04
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I have seen a reduction in duplicate posts and reposts, and so the bot seems to be working.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Selling Advice, Beginner Advice, Politics
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/10/2022 10:12:48
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I have seen a reduction in duplicate posts and reposts, and so the bot seems to be working.
Yes, it's working.YesNo, I like the way it is now
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 10:16:21
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.YesBeginner Advice
Yes, allow them on any day
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/10/2022 10:57:39
I don't have an opinion on this.
Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
Do not change itNoNoYesYes
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Selling Advice, Beginner Advice
Yes, allow them on any day
I don't have an opinion on this.
The posts which inevitably always start with "can we stop posting x" and their potential for stirring up hurt feelings or a sense of having been a bother in the sub for making one of the x posts in questions. Lately they seem to be cropping up more frequently.
7/10/2022 11:00:18
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yarn Chicken, Beginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 11:58:20
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus, Pictures primarily of FOs that happen to have pets in them
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Ban self promotional material
Yarn Chicken, Selling Advice
Yes, allow them on any day
It woul dbe good that if the poster doe not volunteer any information about their piece on Finished Object where the mod asks for more infromation, that this post be deleted as it's annoying having people that are just karma farming and do not give any information back tot he sub to help privde details such as pattern etc. Thanks
7/10/2022 12:00:05
I think that people should be able to post pictures of their pets/baby on any day of the week.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus, Pictures primarily of FOs that happen to have pets in them
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I have seen a reduction in duplicate posts and reposts, and so the bot seems to be working.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yarn Chicken, Selling Advice, Beginner Advice
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 12:00:35
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus, Pictures primarily of FOs that happen to have pets in them
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I have seen a reduction in duplicate posts and reposts, and so the bot seems to be working.
Ban self promotional material
Yarn Chicken, Selling Advice
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 12:01:52
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus, Pictures primarily of FOs that happen to have pets in them
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Ban self promotional material
Yarn Chicken, Selling Advice, Beginner Advice
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 12:04:01
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus, Pictures primarily of FOs that happen to have pets in them
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I have seen a reduction in duplicate posts and reposts, and so the bot seems to be working.
Ban self promotional material
Yarn Chicken, Selling Advice, Beginner Advice
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 12:31:43
I think that people should be able to post pictures of their pets/baby on any day of the week.
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.YesNo, I like the way it is now
Yes, allow them on any day
I haven't had any issues with the sub and I'm on here daily. I don't think any of the politics are egregious and it's not overwhelming the sub. I'm not a fan of destash posts, but I don't care if they are there. I just skip them usually. But there is an entire sub, r/yarnswap, specifically for that. I don't mind pets and kids ever. Cuteness is good. I made an entirely new account so I could just look at crochet and yarn subs only, and this one is my fave.
7/10/2022 12:32:10
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I have seen a reduction in duplicate posts and reposts, and so the bot seems to be working.
Yes, it's working.No
Yarn Chicken, Selling Advice, Beginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 12:39:47
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yarn Chicken, Selling Advice, Beginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/10/2022 12:40:39
I don't have an opinion on this.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
I had no idea this bot existed.
I don't have an opinion on this.
YesNo, I like the way it is now
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/10/2022 12:40:47
I think that people should be able to post pictures of their pets/baby on any day of the week.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet, Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus, Pictures primarily of FOs that happen to have pets in them
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yarn Chicken, Beginner Advice
Yes, allow them on any day
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/10/2022 13:36:05
I don't have an opinion on this.
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
I understand that political debates can seem inappropriate on a sub about yarn and crafting. However, I worry that a restriction on "politics" could be weaponized because everyone has a different opinion on what is political. Posts like the "don't shop at hobby lobby" post are fairly blatantly political. A post that is of a FO that has a political phrase on it is blatantly political. But someone recently posted a stash post that was of yarn colored like the lesbian flag, and in the comments we ended up having a very illuminating and educating discussion about LGBT+ identities. Some might consider that political, even though queer identities are just that -- identities, not politics. If we put a ban on politics, that could be weaponized against marginalized communities because our very existence is considered political. Being visibly queer is considered political. It is considered political to be proud of being a person of color. I might post a FO that is just a pride flag and suddenly I'm breaking the rules about political posts. Furthermore, the paradox of tolerance could apply here. If you open to having a designated place for political posts, someone could post something racist or x-phobic post and say "What? I'm posting it under the politics flair aren't I?" I don't think I have a solution for you. Just please take these concerns into account when you are writing the rules about what is considered "political". Are you prepared to delete racist and x-phobic posts even if they are in the designated political flair? Are you prepared to defend minorities just being themselves? What will you/won't you tolerate, and what might be the consequences?
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Selling Advice, Beginner Advice
No, restrict them to Wednesdays
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/10/2022 13:39:37
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pets sitting on or near crochet work, but the crochet is still the focus
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, but repeat posts of the same topic should be redirected to one thread if made in a short period of time (48hrs or less). Posts of FOs or WIPs that are political do not need restriction, imo.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yes, allow them on any day
I don't have an opinion on this.
Not that I can think of rn. This survey is appreciated, though! Love that you all want community feedback to guide modding decisions.
7/10/2022 14:25:05
7/10/2022 15:10:11
I think that pet/baby-focused posts should be limited to Thursdays only.
Pictures primarily of FOs that happen to have pets in them
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Selling Advice, Beginner Advice
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 15:54:35
I don't have an opinion on this.
Make stash and yarn hauls restricted to Saturday
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I have seen a reduction in duplicate posts and reposts, and so the bot seems to be working.
Yes, it's working.Yes
Yarn Chicken, Selling Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
7/10/2022 19:03:05
I think that people should be able to post pictures of their pets/baby on any day of the week.
Do not change it
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
Yes, it's working.YesBeginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day
I don't have an opinion on this.
7/10/2022 20:14:18
I think that people should be able to post pictures of their pets/baby on any day of the week.
Pet clothing/housing/etc being modeled by said pet
I don't have an opinion on this.
I don't have an opinion on this.
Yes, it is a good way to ask users for the pattern(s) they used without formally requiring it.
I had no idea this bot existed.
I don't have an opinion on this.
YesBeginner Advice, Politics
Yes, allow them on any day