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Contact Rev. Cynthia Vold Forde with additions and corrections (
Thanks to Peter Stebbins Craig for his transcriptions and historical expertise.
Thanks to Pat Bezet, Don Clarke, Roy White, Myra Gormley and ElaRuth McCullough for documents and transcriptions.
Thanks to Rev. Cynthia Forde and to Raquel Lindaas ( ?? link to her web site) and George Ott of Heritage Consulting in Salt Lake City.
Thanks to Bess Antes and Grace Turner for several depositions from North Carolina in 1796.
DatenamelocationeventreferenceURL of image or transcription[#id number]notesneighbors& witnesses
1704 (est.)Lawrence BanksonPhiladelphia County, PAbirthno reference[#226]at Poquessing Creek ??WHERE does this date come from??
1726 (guess)Lawrence BanksonPhiladelphia County, PAmarriageno reference[#226]Lawrence Bankson married Rebecca Hendricks, daughter of John and Rebeckah (Groesbeck)(Wells) Hendricks
5 Aug 1729Lawrence BanksonLancaster County, PAjurorHawbaker, Lancaster County Quarter Session Abstracts, p. 2[#226]1st session of Lancaster Co. court
1735 (est.)Lawrence BankstonPennsylvania (guess)birthJames Lea deposition of 1793 - third son of Laurance Bankston[#2265]
3 May 1737Lawrence BanksonPennsylvania (guess - Maryland a possibility)courtThe Frontier Hendricks, p. 193[#226]ordered to give bond for appearance & good behavior. Probable Lawrence's half brother-in-law. Involved in Cresap's Maryland-Pennsylvania border disputes.
1744Lawrence BankstonEdgecomb County, NCtax listNorth Carolina Taxpayers 1701-1786[#226]
24 Nov 1744Laurence BanksonEdgecomb County, NCland grant Journal of North Carolina Genealogy citing Council Journal File #G.O.115 page 94 at the Archives in Raleigh[#226]granted 50 acres of free land for each of the two members listed as his family
1746Laurence BanksonGranville County, NCnew county formed[#226]Marlow's Creek became part of Granville
2 Sept 1747 Mr. BankstonGranville County, NC justiceHistory and Genealogies of Old Granville Co.,NC, 1746-1800 [#226]“the list of taxables returned by Mr. Bankston”
1747-1752Lawrence BanksonGranville County, NCcourtno reference[#226]Lawrence appointed justice on county court
1747-1779 (undated)Lawrence BankstonGranville County, NCroad petitionGranville County Road Records[#226]original signature; full list of names
1 Jun 1749Lawrence Bankston Esq, Capt.Granville County, NCmilitaryHistories and Genealogies of Old Granville County, North Carolina, 1746-1800[#226]on the west side of Aaron's Creek (named for Aaron Pinson whose children inherited from estate of Christopher Rambo in 1747)
1 June 1749 Capt., Esq. BankstonGranville County, NC military History and Genealogies of Old Granville Co.,NC, 1746-1800 [#226]“on the West side of Aaron’s Cr.” commissioned by Gabriel Johnston Gov.
6 Jan 1749/50Lawrence BankstonYork County, PAdebtorestate of John Hendricks[#226]
1750Lawrence BanksonGranville County, NCtax listNorth Carolina Genealogical Society Journal[#226]3 polls. Lawrence enumerated the inhabitants for the tax list (does this mean that he could write names?)
5 Dec 1751 Lawrence BankstonGranville County, NC justiceHistory and Genealogies of Old Granville Co.,NC, 1746-1800 [#226]Trial of John Betty Yeoman
1752Lawrence Bankson, Esq., Capt.Orange County, NC (guess)vestrymanThe State Record of North Carolina, vol. 23:384[#226]Lawrence was appointed vestryman for St. Matthews Parish (Episcopal)Others appointed were Alexander Maben, James Watson, Mark Morgan, John Pattison, Andrew Mitchell, Thomas Loveletter, James Ellison, William Bolling, John Gray, John Pitman, and Joseph Tate
12 Jun 1752Lawrence BanksonOrange County, NCcourtOrange County, 1752-1952[#226]Lawrence appointed justice of the peace in the newly formed county
9 Sep 1752Lawrence BanksonOrange County, NCcourtOrange Co., NC Court of Pleas and Quarter Session Minutes, 1:1-2[#226]Lawrence presided over first session of court
1752-1758Lawrence BankstonOrange County, NCroadsno reference[#226]Lawrence appointed commissioner of roads
1752-1766Lawrence Bankston, JrOrange County, NCcourtAbstracts of the minutes of the court of pleas and quarter sessions of Orange County in the province of NC September 1752 through August 1766[#226]
1754 (est) Lawrence BankstonNorth CarolinabirthChristian Index, GA Archives 17 Jan 1845[#22622]Another Rev. Soldier Gone - in his 90th year; named as a son of Peter in Isaac Bankston deposition of 1859; shown as heir of Peter's estate in 1806
12 Jul 1754Laurence BanksonOrange County, NCland grant surveyThe Granville District of North Carolina, 1748-1763, Abstracts of Land Grants, 2:247 #3646 citing Patent Book 14, page 343[#226]595 acres in Orange County in the Parish of St. Matthew on both sides of [the] North Hico, adjoining both sides of Panther Creek and both sides of a Fork of Panther Creek. Survey signed by Larrance Bankson as SCC (sworn chain carrier)Andrew Caddell other SCC
12 Jul 1754Laurence BanksonOrange County, NCland grant surveyThe Granville District of North Carolina, 1748-1763, Abstracts of Land Grants, 2:247 #3646 citing Patent Book 14, page 343[#2265]595 acres in Orange County in the Parish of St. Matthew on both sides of [the] North Hico, adjoining both sides of Panther Creek and both sides of a Fork of Panther Creek. Survey signed by Larrance Bankson as SCC (sworn chain carrier)Andrew Caddell other SCC
1755Lawrence Bankston, Esq.Orange County, NCtaxed for 5 pollsNorth Carolina Taxpayers 1679-1790, 2:10[#226]Lawrence Bankston and sons - 5 white polls to be counted poll, the sons had to be over 16
11 Nov 1756Capt. BanksoneOrange County, NCdeedOrange Co. Records, Granville Proprietary Land Office, Loose Papers[#226]warrant granted 640 acres to James Talbert
23 May 1757Lawrence BankstonOrange County, NCjusticeThe Colonial Records of North Carolina, vol. 5:813[#226]Others were James Walsom, Alexander Mebin, John Gray, John Pryor, Joseph Boggs, Lawrence Thompson, Josiah Dickson, John Patterson, James Allison, Andrew Mitchell, John McGee, Thomas Loyd, William Reed, William Charlton, Robert Abercromby, Hugh Porter, William Lee, Richard Parker and Joab Brooks Esq.
1758Lawrence BankstonOrange County, NCroadsAbstracts of the Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Orange County in the Province of North Carolina Sep 1752 through Aug 1766, p. 196 citing Orange County Minutes 2:148[#226]
23 Jan 1761Laurence BanksonOrange County, NCland grant recordedThe Granville District of North Carolina, 1748-1763, Abstracts of Land Grants, 2:247 #3646 citing Patent Book 14, page 343[#226]595 acres on North Hico (see 12 Jul 1754). Signature could be Lawrence Jr. or Sr.
13 Oct 1761Lawr. BankstonOrange County, NCneighborThe Granville District of North Carolina, 1748-1763, Abstracts of Land Grants, 2:241, #3586[#226]Thomas Anderson received a grant for 225 acres on both sides of Rich land Creek of the Hicoe adjoining Lawr Bankston (also spelled Laurence Bankson)
Aug 1765Lawrence Bankston, JrOrange County, NCsued for debtsAbstracts of the Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Orange County in the Province of North Carolina Sep 1752 through Aug 1766, p. 197 citing Orange County Minutes 3:435[#226]with Lawrence Sr and Andrew, suit by Nash & McNair
Aug 1765Lawrence Bankston, Sr.Orange County, NCsued for debtsAbstracts of the Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions of Orange County in the Province of North Carolina Sep 1752 through Aug 1766, p. 197 citing Orange County Minutes 3:435[#226]with Lawrence Jr and Andrew, suit by Nash & McNair
1770Captain BanktonlandmarkThe State Records of North Carolina, vol. 23:819 (Thanks to Rev. Cynthia Forde)[#226]An Act passed in 1770 to prevent avaricious seining of fish mentions "Broad River, as far up as Captain Bankton's Place."
1771Lawrence BankstonOrange County, NCdeathno reference[#226]vs James Lea deposition that Lawrence died before the War in Anson County
28 Sept 1772 Lawrence BankstonOrange County, NC deedOrange Co., NC Deed Bk 3 p. 486[#226]land sale, William Few, Junr to James Milner. Land previously sold by Lawrence Bankston to Robert Willy to William Few.
1776Lawrence BankstonAnson County, NCdeathJames Lea deposition of ??date[#226]vs died in 1771
1777 (est)Lawrence BankstonNorth CarolinamarriageN.S.D.A.R. # 804758[#22622]to Nancy, dau of Joseph Henderson & Adelphia Lea
1778Lawrance BankstonAnson County, NCpetitionPetition of inhabitants of Anson Co. re: formation of Montgomery Co. Journal of North Carolina Genealogy 10:1244[#22622]
1779Lawrence BanksonAnson County, NCpetition signed by inhabitants for the formation of Montgomery CountyAnson County, North Carolina: Abstracts of Early Records, pp. 73, 85, 91, 104, 108, 136, 143[#22622]
27 Sep 1779Lawrence BankstonMontgomery County, NCdeedAbstracts of Land Entries: Montgomery Co., NC 1778-1795, p. 11 #154[#22622]Larrance Bankston entered 200 acres of land on Watery Creek bordering William Harnes
1782Lawrence BankstonMontgomery County, NCtax listNorth Carolina Taxpayers 1679-1790, 2:10[#22622]200 acres ?? Could this have sometimes been reading as Susanna?
1782Lawrence BankstonMontgomery County, NCtaxAbstracts of Land Entries: Montgomery Co., NC 1778-1795, p. 11 #154[#22622]Larrance Bankston entered 200 acres of land on Watery Creek bordering William Harnes
1782 (guess)Lawrence BankstonGeorgiaRevolutionay WarDon Clarke citing 1832 Wilkes Co. list of eligibles for a draw in the land lottery[#22622]Lawrence served in the NC Militia or the Georgia Militia
4 Nov 1783Lawrence BankstonGuilford County, NClandAbstracts of Land Entries: Guilford Co., NC 1779-1796 and Rockingham Co., NC 1790-1795entered 150 acres of land in Guilford Co., NC on Wolf Island Creek and another 100 acres on the waters of Wolf Island Creek
11 Oct 1783Lawrence BankstonGuilford County, NClandAbstracts of Land Entries: Guilford Co., NC 1779-1796 and Rockingham Co., NC 1790-1795200 acres granted to him
31 Mar 1784Lawrence BankstonWilkes County, GAmoveWilkes County in Early Records of Georgia, 2:204[#22622]Lawrence Bankston Jr., late of North Carolina, now of said county comes recommended to us a good citizen and prays for an allowance of land given under our hand.
31 Mar 1784Lawrence BankstonWilkes County, GAland grantIndex to the Headright and Bounty Grants of Georgia, 1756-1909, p. 28 citing book HHH:63[#22622]28.5 acres on Kettle Creek
8 Oct 1784Lawrence BankstonMontgomery County, NCneighborAbstracts of Land Entries: Montgomery Co., NC 1778-1795, p. 29 #425[#22622]James Gray entered 100 acres on SW side of Deep Creek including improvement formerly the property of Laurence Bankston
1785Lawrence BankstonGuilford County, NCroad crewOld Guilford North Carolina Court Minutes, 1781-1788, p. LL #183overseer of a section of road from "Centrel meeting house to Governor's road"
1785Lawrence BankstonWilkes County, GAland grantIndex to the Headright and Bounty Grants of Georgia, 1756-1909, p. 28 citing book HHH:63[#22622]additional grant of 200 acres
1785Lawrence BankstonWilkes County, GAdeedWilkes County in Early Records of Georgia, 2:20[#22622]one poll, 400 acres
1785Laurence BankstonWilkes County, GAtax recordsWilkes County, Georgia Tax Records 1785[#22622]400 acres 400 acres 3rd quality lands
1785Laurence BankstonWilkes County, GAland grantIndex to Headright and Bounty Grants of Georgia 1756-1909[#22622]Grant Book HHH at page 63; 200 acres
2 Nov 1785 Laurence BankstonWilkes County, GAland grantDeed Book CC 1787-1789, p. 58[#22622]200 acres on a branch of Kettle Creek
2 Nov 1785Lawrence BankstonWilkes County, GAdeedWilkes County in Early Records of Georgia, 1:259[#22622]William Seals Muse and wife Judith sold to Laurence Bankston 200 acres on a branch of Kettle Creek adjacent to Mary McNabb where he lived at that time.
1785-179xLawrence BankstonRockingham County, NCdeedsno reference
1786Larence BankstonWashington Co, GAland recordIndex to Headright and Bounty Grants of Georgia 1756-190970 acres 2nd quality land; 130 acres 3rd quality land ; Slaves (result is blank)
1786Larence BankstonWilkes County, GAland recordIndex to Headright and Bounty Grants of Georgia 1756-1909"[#22622]200 acres third quality land; 1 slave
21 Feb 1786Lawrence BankstonGuilford County, NCappraised estateOld Guilford North Carolina Court Minutes, 1781-1788, p. FF #149appraised the estate of Benjamin Granger
20 Aug 1787Laurence BankstonWilkes County, GAdeedEarly Records of Georgia, Wilkes County, Volume I, page 265[#22622]350 acres Deed Book CC - 1787, page 154
20 Aug 1787Lawrence BankstonWilkes County, GAland grantWilkes County in Early Records of Georgia, 1:265[#22622]Lawrence bought 350 acres of Jeremiah Bogges and wife Hannah, witnessed by Joseph Henderson and Merimiah Hines
8 Nov 1787Lawrence BankstonGuilford County, NClandAbstracts of Land Entries: Guilford Co., NC 1779-1796 and Rockingham Co., NC 1790-1795, p. 8200 acres sold to Wendel Miller
1790 (approx)Laurence BankstonWashington County, GAland grantsSubstitutes for Georgia's Lost 1790 Census, p. 153
1790 (approx)Lawrence BankstoneWashington County, GAsurveyors recordsSubstitutes for Georgia's Lost 1790 Census, p. 160
1793Lawrence BankstonWashington County, GAland recordsIndex to the Headright and Bounty Grants of Georgia, 1756-1909, p. 28 citing book CCCC:225200 acres
1793-1826Lauren BankstonSouth CarolinadeedsBankston Cousins15 deeds. Laurens is illiterate
1793-1826Lawrence BankstonSouth CarolinadeedsBankston Cousins15 deeds. Lawrence can write and has wife Sara
1794Laurence BankstonWilkes County, GAtax recordsSome Early Tax Digests of Georgia 1790-1818" at page 310[#22622]240 acres adj James Echols 3 slaves
8 Nov 1794 Larry BankstonWilkes County, GAdeedGeorgia Deed Book NN, 1795-1796, p. 217 [#22622]Lea grandchildren land adjoins Larry Bankston on the SW side
31 July 1795Lawrence BankstonWilkes County, GAdeeded slavesWilkes County, Georgia, Court of Ordinary Wills, 1837-1877[#22622]Lawrence and wife, Nanny, 350 acres to Peter Strozier
27 Oct 1795Lawrence BankstonWilkes County, GAdeedDeed Book NN, pg. 217 & 219 (Thanks to Rev. Cynthia Forde)[#22622]William Lea to Lawrence Bankston, both of Wilkes Co., for £10, 94 acres on Kettle Creek waters, sdj. SW by Lawrence Bankston and James Eckols, N by Thos. Lea, E by William Lea, S by Subtrine
1796Lawrence BankstonSpartanburg District, SCmessengerBankston CousinsLawrence was messenger with the Bethel Association
1797 OctoberLawrence BankstonWilkes County, GAdeedno reference[#22622]
1800Lawrence BankstonSpartanburg County, SCcensusFederal census
1803Laurence BankstonWilkes County, GAland lotteryEarly Records of Georgia, Wilkes County, Volume I," page 314[#22622]2 draws
1806Lawrence BankstonWilkes County, GAheadrightno reference[#22622]headright land grant of 200 acres on Kettle Creek
1806Lawrence BankstonSpartanburg County, SChearingPaul Dalbeccompetancy hearing of Isaac Cantrell
1807Lawrence BankstonClarke County, GAwitness 'Will Book "A', Clarke Co., GA 1803-1822.' Georgia Genealogical Magazine, no. 18: p. 1165[#22622]Lawrence signed as a witness to the will of his brother, William Bankston
1807Lawrence BankstonSpartanburg District, SCwitnessBankston Cousins citing Sp. Conveyance Book H. p.1Lawrence witnessed a power of attorney for John Bankston
1810Lauren BankstonSpartanburg County, SCcensusFederal censusLauren Bankston over age 45 with female over 35
31 May 1815 (?)Laurence BanckstonClarke County, GAreceiptloose papers[#22622]Laurence Banckston, for his share of estate of Peter Bankston deceased from John Bankston administrator
31 May 1815Laurence BanckstonWilkes County, GAreceiptestate of Peter Bankston in 1804[#22622]signature looks like Susssana Banckston
1820Lawrence BankstonWilkes County, GA censusU.S. Federal Census Wilkes, GA[#22622]1 male 10-16; 1 male over 45; 1 female over 45
1828Lawrence Bankston Wilkes County, GAlawsuitno reference[#22622]filed naming Isaiah T. Irivin gdn of money for dau. Priscilla
1830Lawrence Bankston Wilkes County, GA censusU.S. Federal Census Wilkes, GA[#22622]District 171 -1 male 60-70; 1 female 50-60
31 Jul 1830Lawrence BankstonWilkes County, GAgiftWilkes County in Early Records of Georgia, 2:204[#22622]gifts of certain slaves to his daughters Isabella Irvin, Priscilla Mathis, Elizabeth Mozley, and Martha Sappington
31 July 1830 Lawrence Bankston Wilkes County, GAdeed filedLoose papers Courthouse Wilkes, Co, GA[#22622]slaves to his dau. Isabella Irvin, Priscilla Mathis, Elizabeth Mozley, and Martha Sappington.
1832Laurence Bankston Wilkes County, GAland lotteryEarly Records of Georgia, Wilkes County, Volume I," page 321[#22622]Maj. J. Patterson's Batt., Capt. Jos. Henderson Dist.