Golden State Elite Hockey Interest Form
If you are interested in Golden State Elite Hockey's programs and you want to receive announcement emails AND submit your name to the coaches' mailing list, then fill out the following form.
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Player Name *
Player email
Important for teenage players that drive themselves to hockey events
Player cell
Optional, goalies should fill this for last minute availability needs
Player lives in what city/cities *
Parent Names *
Parent emails (comma-separated) *
Parent cell *
Best parent to call
Player's last hockey club *
Player's position *
Player's interest level *
Select the best answer that matches, so we can better address your player's needs
Player's High School
Either the High School the player attends now or WILL attend in the future
Player is interested in the following *
Player's birth year *
Player's last team *
Was your player on a Girls team last year? *
Player's last coach
Website containing player's stats from last season
Optional, this may be required information to present to the coach at some point
Player's hockey goals
Short-term and long-term goals, helps us understand the player's desires and how we can help
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