More Badass in Your Class!
Teacher Enrichment Online:

Anatomy & Body Mechanics,  Muscular Imbalance and Injuries,
Therapeutic Look at Hoopdance, Principles of Training, Group Fitness and Dance,
Pro-Tips and other awesome sauce from THE BEX!

Lock in the final days of the launch price of $249 by December 26th!

Registrants will receive access to private
YouTube videos once payment has been received.
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What is your gmail email address, if different from the email above?
You will need a gmail account to participate in the Google Hangout, but it is not necessary if you only want to watch the recording.
Your Phone #: *
I will only use this if necessary
How long have you been hooping? *
Gauge time regarding consistency/ flight hours
Are you currently teaching? *
click all that  describe where you're at!
If you are currently teaching, indicate for how long:
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Do you have a movement background prior to hooping/ spinning? *
Please list modalities, time dedicated, and if it's current (eg. Ballet ages 3-16, Running: 3x/week for the last three years)
Do you have formal training? *
(eg. degrees, certifications or licensing pertaining to movement or bodywork)
I have read and agree to Sense of Motion Class Terms and Policies *
How did you hear about Sense of Motion/ Bex Burton? *
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