Participate in the Echo Park PDA Art Walk on Saturday May 19, 2012 12-6pm
(Venue Form)

Echo Park PDA (public displays of art) Art Walk is a one day event that will turn the side walks of Echo Park into a fun, playful and artistic landscape.

Please join us in celebrating and connecting community through the arts.

NEW DUE DATE!!!  Please submit this form before MON MAY 7, 2012 to ensure that your are included in the official press release, event map, media websites.

For more information, visit

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About You
Street Address
Contact Person *
Email *
Art Work on display at your venue.
Each participating venue agrees to curate an art exhibition, performance or work shop at their location (outside or inside) for the day of the Echo Park PDA Art Walk.

Please share details about the artist(s) and type of art works with us, so we can include this information on the flyer, websites and in the official program.

If you need help finding an artist, please email
Artist(s) Name(s) *
Description of Art Work(s)
Type of Art Work(s) *
More ways to participate
I can hang posters in windows / behind counter
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I am able to promote the Echo Park PDA Art Walk on my web site
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I can promote the Echo Park PDA Art Walk on my social networking sites
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I can arrange for a food truck at my venue.
If yes, please indicate the name of the food truck in the field below
I am willing to be an impromptu venue (in case of bad weather) and display art/artist(s) INSIDE my venue
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I will offer Echo Park PDA Art Walk Specials
If yes, please describe below (Discounts, Promotions, Give Aways, etc)
I understand that I am solely responsible for creating an art exhibition or performance at my venue on the day of the event, and to keep my venue open from 12pm to 6pm. *
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