Respect. Empower. Include. Make Your Voice Heard At The White House
I will be traveling to Washington DC this week with a Courage Campaign delegation of CA community activists and leaders to meet with senior White House staff. Take a few minutes to fill out the survey below. This is your chance to make your voice heard.
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Your personal information be kept confidential and will not be shared with anyone. The information is just to protect the survey against spambots and unscrupulous individuals who might try to skew the results with multiple entries.
First Name *
Last Name *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Email address *
Did you volunteer/work for the 2008 Obama campaign? *
If yes, how would you describe your role?
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Did you donate money to the 2008 Obama campaign? *
If you answered yes, did you donate.....
(this answer is optional)
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Did you vote for Obama in 2008? *
Do you plan to volunteer or work for the 2012 Obama campaign? *
If you answered no, do you plan to volunteer or work for any other political campaign or activities (state or local candidates, initiative campaign, register voters, etc)
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If you plan to volunteer for any other political campaign or activity besides the 2012 Obama campaign, please describe below.
Do you plan to donate money to the 2012 Obama campaign? *
Do you plan to donate money to any other political candidate or cause in 2012? *
Do you plan to vote for Obama in 2012? *
Tell us how the following policies and actions by the Obama administration will effect your decisions to vote, volunteer or donate in 2012.
President Obama's recent push for job creation makes me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
President Obama's proposal to make millionaires pay more taxes makes me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
President Obama's proposals to change Social Security cost of living adjustments makes me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
President Obama's emphasis on deficit reduction makes me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
President Obama's proposal to raise the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 67 makes me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
President Obama's handling of the debt ceiling crisis makes me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
President Obama's Wall Street policies makes me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
President Obama's handling of the mortgage crisis makes me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
President Obama's bailout of the US auto industry makes me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
Letting the Bush tax cuts expire for anyone making more than $250K would make me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
If the Obama administration pushed for the Employee Free Choice Act (legislation which would make unionizing easier) to become law, that would make me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
President Obama's education reform policies makes me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
President Obama's emphasis on developing green technology makes me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
President Obama's increased car mileage standards to 54.5 mpg makes me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
President Obama decision to delay new EPA clean air standards will make me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
President Obama's support for more offshore oil drilling makes me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
President Obama's support for nuclear energy makes me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
If President Obama approves the Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline, that will make me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
President Obama's handling of Iraqi/Afghanistan/Libya makes me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
President Obama's handling of Guantanamo Bay makes me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
President Obama's use of predator drones in Pakistan makes me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
The death of Osama Bin Laden makes me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate for the Obama campaign in 2012 *
President Obama's support of the DREAM act makes me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
The Obama administration's deportation of 1.06 million illegal immigrants since 2009 (George Bush deported 1.57 million in 8 years) makes me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
If the Obama administration pushed for comprehensive immigration reform, that would make me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
If the Obama administration supported immigration rights for same-sex couples, that would make me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
The end of "Don't Ask Don't Tell" makes me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate to the Obama campaign in 2012 *
President Obama's positions on marriage equality and DOMA makes me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
President Obama's record on reproductive choice makes me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
The possibility of future Supreme Court appointments makes me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate to the Obama campaign in 2012 *
When President Obama compromises with Republican lawmakers to get bipartisan policy support, that makes me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
If President Obama compromised less with Republicans lawmakers, even if that meant some of his policy proposals wouldn't get passed,  that would make me more/less likely to vote/volunteer/donate in 2012 *
Which potential GOP presidential candidate would make you more likely to vote/volunteer/donate for the Obama campaign? *
(check all that apply)
Is there a message or issue you want me to discuss with the White House?
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