2011 台灣手足球國際公開賽報名單 - Taiwan Foosball Open Registration

Complete this form to register for the 2011 Taipei Foosball open. For more information, please go to

NOTE: Registration costs listed are applicable for pre-paid registration before Nov 15, 2011.  For International players, please contact us via email. ( hightimesports@gmail.com )

匯款帳號 (完成賽前報名及匯款後請Email到 hightimesports@gmail.com):
 合作金庫 新竹科學園區分行
 戶名: 黃俊傑

完成賽前報名及匯款後Email下列訊息至 hightimesports@gmail.com
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
名 / First Name *
姓式 / Last Name *
電子郵件帳戶 / Email *
電話號碼 / Phone
手機號碼 為優 / Include country code if outside of Taiwan
公司或組織 / Company or Organization
國家(地區) / Nationality *
如果是台灣選手,請填寫你居住縣市 (如台北, 台中, 高雄 等等..)
勾選你要參加的比賽項目 - Which event(s) would you like to attend? *
Check all that apply.
優待套票 - Registration Packages *
填寫青少年雙打搭擋 - Your partner for Junior Doubles
Only applicable if joining Junior Doubles
填寫新人雙打搭擋 - Your partner for Newbie Doubles
Only applicable if joining Newbie Doubles
填寫初級雙打搭擋 - Your partner for Rookie Doubles
Only applicable if joining Rookie Doubles
填寫公開雙打搭擋 - Your partner for Open Doubles
Only applicable if joining Open Doubles
是否需要協助住宿? / Need a hotel booking? *
勾選需要, 會有專人與你聯絡, 請確定你的聯絡資訊都是正確的. / If you select Yes, we will contact you for your hotel booking information.
從哪得知台灣手足球公開賽 / How did you hear about this event? *
其他意見(可不填) / Comments (Optional)
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