12+ Questions about how you use Google+ Hangouts
This is a short and unofficial survey about Google+ Hangouts and how you use them. Be sure to answer all required* questions. Once you are complete, please share this survey with your circles and friends to help gather more results. Once the desired number of surveys have been returned, the results and analysis will be posted on the Statistics page. Thank you for your time! If you have any feedback, please leave it on the survey about this survey on the page after completion.
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What is the Ideal Number of Participants in a Google+ Hangout? *
If you could choose every time you started a hangout the maximum number of people to join, which would you select?
When Someone Joins an Active Google+ Hangout, Should their Audio be Automatically Muted? *
For example, 8 people are having an in-depth conversation, and someone joins from a mobile phone with lots of background noise. Should they be muted upon joining?
Have you ever muted a user in a Google+ Hangout? *
If you answered 'Yes' to the previous question, why did you mute the user?
Have you ever blocked a user in a hangout? *
If you answered 'Yes' or 'Sometimes' to the previous question, why did you block the user?
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If someone interrupts or talks over you while you are talking in a Hangout, how do you respond? *
Please answer as though the interruption is ether intentional or unintended. You may select multiple answers.
Do you follow the conversation in the chat window during a Google+ Hangout? *
Do you normally invite 'Public' to your Hangouts? *
Also known as "making a hangout public"
Does it bother you when another user invites 'Extended Circles' or 'Public' to a limited hangout? *
If you answered 'Yes' to the previous question, why does it bother you when 'Extended Circles' or 'Public' is invited to the hangout?
Really search your feelings on this response...
Have you ever been less than truthful about why you were leaving a hangout? *
Be honest here...
When using hangouts, do you find it annoying when users don add-ons such as reindeer antlers and mustaches? *
This has been found to be distracting for some businesses using this feature, please answer appropriately.
Have you ever viewed or participated in an 'On Air' Google+ Hangout? *
Do you think the Suggested User List should contain less celebrities and more "regular people" that engage and interact with the community, such as in hangouts? *
Who would you like to hangout with that you haven't had the chance to? *
Type 'I'm a hermit' if you do not want to meet anyone else. A response is required for this question.
EXTRA CREDIT: After meeting people in virtual hangouts, which G+ member are you most interested in meeting in real life (HIRL) and why?
HIRL is an acronym for "Hangout in Real Life"
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