Survey "Learning How To Work With SAP in the Online Virtual Class-room Course"
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

You are very welcome to take part in the survey "Learning How To Work With SAP in the Online Virtual Class-room Course"!

This market research is in the scope of my MBA program. The target audience of the survey is all the people who work with SAP ERP system and the people who want to learn how to work with the certain SAP modules.  

The purpose of the research is to assess the level of readiness of potential students to enroll to the virtual class-room online SAP course vs. traditional real class-room SAP course.

It should take you 5-10 min to go through the survey. It is strictly anonymous. You will not need to provide your name or any other contact info unless you wish to do so. The questions which are mandatory for answering are marked by "*".

The results of the survey if desired will be shared with you per Email.

In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me (

Thank you for your support!
Oleh Paslavskyy
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