Fall 2014 FAU Florida Immersion Trip: Student Application
Florida Immersion Trips engage students in important social issues through service trips, leadership development, education, and reflection. Florida Immersion Trips aim to develop a community of active and engaged leaders who are committed to positive sustainable change.

Prior to embarking on a FIT trip, all participants are required to attend a pre-trip orientation on Monday, Nov. 3, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. in the LEAD offices in the Student Union, Rm. 206. Trip logistics and schedule will be discussed during this meeting. Also included will be  short leadership and advocacy empowerment session to prepare participants for the weekend immersion trip.
FIT participants will receive 12 volunteer hours through the Weppner Center for Service-Learning and Civic Responsibility.

Participant Fee: $25, check or money order only. NO CASH.

Apply today as spots are limited! Application due Friday, October 31!

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Name *
Z Number *
Cell Phone Number *
Primary Campus *
Cum GPA (min. 2.5 GPA required and good disciplinary and academic standing) *
Select Your Current Class Standing *
Major *
Email *
FAU email required
T-Shirt Size *
How did you hear about the FIT Trips? *
Please provide us with your previous leadership experience. *
Please provide us with your previous service experience. *
Please list any Student Organizations in which you are active. *
Note: Your involvement in student organizations will NOT affect whether or not you are selected for FIT
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