Order Field Guides To Ensuring Voter Intent!
We love you for wanting copies of the Field Guides. And we'd love to send some to you.

The Field Guides are FREE to election officials and other government workers.

If you aren't either an election official or a government worker, we would still love you to have copies -- but we'd like it if you subsidized the copies that we're giving out to election officials. Sets are $20 each to civilians. Please email dana@usabilityworks.net if you'd like to order.
Conectează-te la Google ca să îți salvezi progresul. Află mai multe
How many sets of Field Guides would you like? (Please, no more than 5 sets per customer.) *
There are currently 4 titles in each set (see civicdesigning.org/fieldguides for a list).
Who are we shipping them to? (Full name) *
Where are we shipping them to? *
Enter everything that will ensure that the Field Guides reach their intended destination: department, mail stop, street address, city, state, Zip code. (US addresses, only, please.)
Any special instructions?
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