Sabbatical Evaluation Panel
Hello there, interested student!

My name is David Gilani and I'm the Vice President Communications - One of my aims for the year was to get Sabbaticals more approachable and transparent in the work that they do - so to help achieve this, we're setting up some evaluation panels.

The point of the panel is to get some interested students together, to be able to ask in depth questions about the work of one of our Sabbatical Officers (maybe even myself). It's not just about finding out what they haven't done, but also about commending them on what they have - with the overall aim of helping them to be better at their job.

For this to work, we need students - hence this form - so if you're interested and want to help us improve SUSU, pop your details down here :)
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Why would you like to be involved in an Evaluation Panel?
Your answers won't be public, we'd just like to know :)
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