Student Information Survey Fall 2012
Please complete this survey to help gather information that can be used for the benefit of the classes.
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Last Name *
First Name *
Class Period *
Class *
I have a computer at home *
My home computer at home is connected to the internet by: *
The operating system of the computer(s) I have at home is: *
The type of computer I prefer is: *
The word processor that I am most familiar with is: *
I would guess that my typing speed (in words per minute) is: *
I use my home computer for the following *
I have a ____ social networking
I have a cell phone *
I use my cell phone to: *
I would guess that my texting speed (in words per minute) is: *
I check my e-mail: *
The thing I would most like to learn in this class is: *
I think that if I were to rate my computer skills in general, they would be:
Very little skill (I can barely turn it on)
Very skillful (can trouble shoot most problems)
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