Vendor Application for Stitched Together 2013 Fiber Retreat
This is an application for those who wish to be vendors at the Stitched Together 2013 Fiber Retreat which will be held April 26-28, 2013 at Fall Creek Falls State Park in Pikeville, TN. Preference will be given for vendors who are going to attend the retreat for the whole weekend. There will not be a charge for vending this year because it's sort of a grand experiment; we will have to learn as we go about the best way to set up the vending at the site. Right now the plan is to have a mini marketplace on Saturday, April 27 from 1pm to 3pm (or however long it takes for everyone to shop). We will set up the tables in the dining hall area of the group lodge, so space is somewhat limited. I am thinking we will have a maximum of 10-12 vendors for the retreat which will have a maximum of about 30 guests. Fill out this form to apply and I will let you know if your application has been approved.

Please note: Since this is our first year, I can't guarantee how many participants the retreat will have OR how much shopping they will want to do. All vendors are responsible for their own merchandise. You must be prepared to take cash payments as I can't guarantee WiFi access. You are responsible for managing your own sales and reporting your own tax information, etc. The retreat will not take any responsibility for your merchandise or sales. Please fill out this application only if the items you sell are directly related to fiber arts; these items might include hand dyed or spun yarn, spinning fiber, stitch markers, project bags, shawl pins, spindles, etc. Please contact Jess at if you want to sell something other than fiber arts items and these will be approved on a case by case basis if there are spots available after the fiber artists have applied.

I will also be offering goodie bags to the participants. If you would like to send items to put into the goodie bags, you are welcome to do that whether you vend or don't vend. Please indicate interest here in the form and I will get you more information once I know the number of participants. Goodie bag items can include but aren't limited to: coupons/gift certificates, business cards, small samples like stitch markers or shawl pins, mini skeins, etc. :)
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Full Name
Ravelry ID
Brand/Shop Name
Web Site
Link to your Etsy/other shop, blog with samples of your work, online photo album with examples of your work, etc.
Other Web Site
If you have two sites for us to see, please link the second one here.
What types of items do you make/sell?
Ex. handspun yarn, hand dyed yarn, fiber, shawl pins, stitch markers, project bags, etc.
Will you be attending the retreat as a guest, or will you just come up for the marketplace?
Please fill out the retreat registration ASAP so we can confirm your answer.
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Would you like to contribute items to the goodie bags?
You will need to mail these items to Jess in advance; click "yes" if you just want more information and I will send a separate e-mail.
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