Reading Log N
1. Read a novel for at least 25 minutes or read at least 25 pages.
2. Complete this log when you are finished.  

Above: I read 35 or more pages OR I read for more than 35 minutes.  I completed this reading log with THOROUGH answers.  I wrote at least 3-5 bullets using at least 30 of my own words in the summary section. An adult can verify that I read.
At: I read 25-30 pages OR I read for 20-25 minutes.  I completed this reading log with THOROUGH answers.  I wrote at least 3-5 bullets using at least 30 of my own words in the summary section. An adult can verify that I read.
Below: I read 15-19pages OR I read for 15-19 minutes.  I completed this reading log with BRIEF answers.  I wrote at least 3-5 bullets using at least 20 of my own words in the summary section. An adult can verify that I read.
Far Below: I read 10-14 pages OR I read for 10-14 minutes.  I completed this reading with INCOMPLETE answers.  I wrote only a few words in the summary section.  An adult may not be able to verify that I read.
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First Name & Last Initial: *
Period: *
What, where and when did you read? *
I read _____ by ______ in ____ from _____ to ______.
Who supervised you reading? *
Name the adult who was supervising you.
What pages did you read? *
____ to _____
How many pages did you read in total? *
What happened in this section of the book? *
Write a bulleted list in chronological order or write a brief paragraph. This should only be around 30 words.
Grade You Deserve: *
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