OGP Webinar Registration Form: Codes of Practice on Consultations
Date & Time:
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
10:00 - 11:30 AM Washington DC | 3:00 - 4:30 PM London, UK | 5:00 - 6:30 PM Tallinn, Estonia

Presented by:
Edward Andersson, Involve
Urmo Kübar, Network of Estonian-Non Profit organizations
Paul Maasen, Independent Civil Society Coordinator, Open Government Partnership

Sponsored by:  
OGP Networking Mechanism (Global Integrity) & World Bank Institute

Codes of Practice on Consultations

Consultations are key mechanism for involving citizens and stakeholders in policies and services. They are an important part of democratic governance and are in use in many countries around the world. The reasons for conducting consultations vary; for some it is about access to information and power, for some it is about improving the evidence base for policy and for yet others it is about increasing public trust in the decision making process. The way that Consultations are run in many cases fail to achieve these goals,  often being counter-productive.

The session will look at how to design consultations in a way which empowers participants, captures valuable new data and increases public trust. This webinar session will look at best practice from the UK, Estonia and elsewhere. Also shared will be best practices on conducting consultations in the context of the Open Government Partnership. Robust consultations with citizens and civil society is a key requirement for creating OGP national action plans.

The Open Government Partnership Webinars is an initiative of the OGP Networking Mechanism to encourage peer learning and knowledge sharing on critical open government issues among civil society, government, and private sector participants.  

To JOIN the session on Tuesday, January 22, 2013 at 10:00 AM EST, please use this link http://worldbankva.adobeconnect.com/ogpweb/ to login 5 minutes before the Webinar is scheduled to start.  

Speaker Bios:
Edward Andersson is the Deputy Director of Involve, and an established expert on methods of participatory decision making. He set up www.peopleandparticipation.net  – the UKs leading public engagement site, and has advised a number of organizations on public engagement strategies, including the Home Office, the European Commission, the OECD and numerous Local Authorities and Health Trusts. Edward is a Professional Facilitator (Certified by the International Association of Facilitators), sits on the National Expert Panel on Local Governance for the Department for Communities and Local Government and is a board member of the international not-for profit e-Democracy.org. Edward recently discussed the recent changes to the Cabinet Office Guidelines on Consultation. Moreover, Involve has recently been requested to coordinate the UK Civil Society Network on the Open Government Partnership.

Urmo Kübar is the Managing Director of Network of Estonian-Non Profit organizations, an umbrella and advocacy organization, Neno. Born in a small town in Northern Estonia, Rakvere, Kübar has a degree in Journalism and Political science, has worked for one of Estonia's leading newspapers and conducted research in politics before joining Neno, first as the Director of membership, in 2005, and as of 2006 as its director.

Paul Maassen is the independent civil society coordinator for the Open Government Partnership and in that role supports independent engagement with the OGP in all member countries. He previously worked as Head of Finance and Partnerships for WWF International' Global Climate & Energy Initiative and with Dutch development organisation Hivos as programme manager for the ICT & Media programme. He was involved in the establishment of the East African citizen agency initiative Twaweza, and attained private sector experience with Dutch telcom company KPN. He holds an MSC in industrial engineering and management.

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