CU Online 2013 Spring Symposium
Fasten your seatbelts, place your tray-tables in a full, upright position, and turn ON your devices! It’s time for the 2013 CU Online Spring Symposium! Get your round trip ticket for a journey of exciting presentations, fun giveaways, and come home with practical tools you can use and a tan!​

With Special Guest: Devlin Daley, co-founder of Instructure (Canvas)

For the Spring Symposium agenda please visit our web page:

All CU Denver faculty are invited to attend.  Non-CU Denver faculty will be asked to pay a $50 registration fee.
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Last Name *
First Name *
Name on Nametag *
Email *
School/College *
If other:
Title *
If other
Department Chair or Dean (if you would like them copied on your Symposium Attendance letter)
Campus Box/Mail Stop address (if you would like to receive a Symposium Attendance letter)
Food Restrictions
Will you be attending the "Meet and Greet" cocktail hour? *
4:00pm - 5:30pm Location TBA
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