Hong Kong Startups Survey
Over 2012 I talked to much of the HK tech community and took lots of great feedback to put together a couple of startup programs in HK.

Building on that, I'm trying to collect more input on startups in HK and what concerns they have. This "Hong Kong Startups Survey" is for HK tech startups only.

Data collected will be aggregated, anonymized and then made available to the HK tech community, people who may want to come to HK or otherwise be involved. We will also conduct follow-on interviews with a selection of startups as part of this data collection.

Please participate! Thanks!
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Are you affiliated with a HK tech startup? *
For purposes of this survey, technology startups that are mostly coded in or headquartered from HK qualify.
What is your role at this tech startup? *
Multiple people per startup may respond.
What is the name of your tech startup? *
Your website *
Your name *
Your email *
Have you worked on or for a tech startup before? *
Check all that apply.
If you worked on or for a tech startup before, in what city and country did you work? *
Where are you originally from (city and country)? *
In what locations have you previously worked? *
You went to university in... *
Why are you working on a tech startup? *
Check all that apply.
Why are you working on this tech startup in Hong Kong? *
What stage is your startup in? *
What geographic markets are you focused on? *
In what kind of location do you work? *
If your startup has applied to any government or private run programs, which ones? Which programs, if any, have you been granted?
Provide program names and location.
What types of problems is your startup dealing with currently? *
Check as many as apply to you.
What are your main concerns as you work on your tech startup? *
Please be detailed.
What do you believe is the biggest problem for OTHER tech startups in HK? *
What suggestions do you have for HK to grow its tech startup ecosystem? *
What are the best things the HK tech startup community has going for it? *
Would you like to be interviewed for further information related to this survey? *
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