CURATEcamp: AVPres
What is CURATEcamp?:
For a detailed description, see:
CURATEcamp has been run two different ways: As an unconference and as an OpenAgenda meeting.  CURATEcamp can be run as an unconference, also known as a user-generated conference or a BarCamp. There are no spectators at CURATEcamp, only participants. All attendees are expected to give a demo, present a talk, drive a discussion, or participate in a panel or roundtable.

What is special about CURATEcamp: AVPres?
There are two differences: first, this CURATEcamp will be focused on audiovisual materials, specifically digital collections; the hoped-for outcome being a hackathon with coder & developer participants in association with this year's AMIA (Association of Moving Image Archivists) conference in Richmond, Virginia in early November. Second, the CURATEcamp will be conducted via Google Hangout. Each "hangout" will a topic chosen via CURATEcamp wiki voting, and then other participants can join if they see that a hangout pertains to their interest- basically each Hangout acts as a conference room.  

Who participates? Why would I want to participate?
Audiovisual archivists or archivists with digital moving image materials in their collections. The idea is that CURATEcamp will allow  participants to talk about issues around and challenges in digital curation that can be addressed concretely by code and developer participation during a hackathon in November in Richmond. Additionally, for film or analog focused moving image archivists, there will be "mediators" in the sessions who will navigate questions around digital preservation generally, if that is not your area of expertise.

Why fill out this form?
This form serves as registration, so if you are interested in participating please complete it!

You can either attend the camp virtually (via our Google Hangout On Air stream) or in person at a local participant site. Google Hangouts on Air allow a maximum of 10 live participants—these will be comprised of the host sites listed below. All other participants are encouraged to follow a live broadcast of this discussion, participating and articulating questions via IRC.

contact: Yvonne Ng — yvonne{at}witness{dot}org
New Haven, CT, Yale University Library
contact: Kevin Glick — kevin{dot}glick{at}yale{dot}edu
Charlottesville, VA, University of Virginia Library
contact: Steven Villereal — villereal{at}gmail{dot}com
Chapel Hill, NC, University of North Carolina – Wilson Library
contact: Meg Tuomala — mtuomala{at}email{dot}unc{dot}edu
Washington, DC, Smithsonian Institution
contact: Crystal Sanchez — SanchezCA{at}si{dot}edu
Bloomingon, IN, Indiana University Bloomington
contact: Jon Dunn — jwd{at}iu{dot}edu
Los Angeles, CA , UCLA
contact: Aaron Bittel — ambittel{at}arts{dot}ucla{dot}edu
San Francisco, CA, Bay Area Video Coalition
contact: Lauren Sorensen — laurens{at}bavc{dot}org

We are also using this form to gather topics for the day, which will later be voted on later via a follow-up survey, closer to the event (April 19).

Organizers contact information:
Lauren Sorensen: laurens [at] bavc [dot] org
Steven Villereal: villereal [at] gmail [dot] com
Kara Van Malssen: kara [at] avpreserve [dot] com

CURATEcamp Wiki:

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Name: *
Email address: *
Your institution / affiliation: *
How comfortable are you with the topic of digital preservation and working with born digital or digitized materials in your collection(s)?
Not comfortable at all; I'm a beginner at digital preservation and archives
Very comfortable; I am familiar with tools such as BagIt or FITS; or I'm a developer working with archives and libraries
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Would you like to attend at a local site, or just via streaming link and IRC? *
(some sites may have capacity limitations, so please contact your local site host as you register)
Please list any items or topics you would be interested in discussing at CURATEcamp AV Preservation
In organizing CURATEcamp, one of our tasks as participants will be to come up with a series of topics to be voted on.  Please include below any topics you would be interested in addressing related to digital preservation of moving image material. If you're unsure, please feel free to contact us (organizers, see above for contact info), or note any questions below.   It is important that you be as specific as possible. The more detail the better. We will be documenting the proposed topics on the wiki and look out for a follow-up survey!
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