Mass. DESE Conditions of School Effectiveness: Amesbury Public Schools
I would like to thank you for taking time to complete this important survey.  We know that students are successful when they feel safe and secure at school, teachers are supported in their practices and families are engaged with the school community.  The Conditions for School Effectiveness (CSEs) articulate what schools need to have in place in order to educate their students well  and can be used as benchmarks against which schools can gauge their practice in key areas.  You are a valued member of our school community and as such your input regarding our progress towards meeting the CSEs is critical to our students’ success.  
Thank you again for your participation.  We appreciate your time and thoughtful responses.

Michele Robinson Ed. D

Use the following rubric to respond to each survey statement:

U - Unknown: I have insufficient professional knowledge of this area to offer a meaningful response.
1 - Little Evidence: The school is demonstrating little to no progress in implementing this practice, or implementation is so infrequent that its impact is negligible.  
2 - Emerging: This practice is emerging or in place to support the condition : element; however it is not yet fully developed or implemented with fidelity.  
3 - Providing: This practice is established and is implemented consistently, with fidelity.
4 - Sustaining: This practice is in place with all other practices in the Condition : Element being implemented at a “Providing” or at-standard level, is aligned to and integrated with the other practices to the point of being self-sustaining, and is supported by district efforts.
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School Name *
Please select your school from the list below.
School Role *
Please check your most appropriate role in the school:
Years at School *
Please check the box representing the number of years you have been associated with the school:
Years in K-12 Education *
Please check the box representing the number of years of experience you have in K-12 education:
(ii) Effective School Leadership : Focus on Learning
001. The principal acts strategically and purposefully in pursuit of a clear educational mission, while empowering others to do the same. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
002. An Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) representing the school’s grades and content areas meets regularly to address topics of instruction and learning.  It has sufficient authority to make decisions and engages all staff through effective communication. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
003. There is a school-wide, results-oriented focus on teaching, learning, and student success. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(ii) Effective School Leadership : Effective Planning
004. The school has an improvement plan focused explicitly on instructional improvement and student learning; the plan drives school-level processes and practice. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
005. The school improvement plan 1) aligns with the district improvement plan, 2) reflects input from all staff, 3) is based on data, 4) accurately reflects the academic, social, and emotional needs of students, and 5) sets actionable and measurable goals that target school improvement. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
006. Staff can state the school’s mission, understand the school’s improvement goals, and demonstrate a sense of ownership for both. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(ii) Effective School Leadership : Effective Decision-Making
007. School leadership uses the school improvement plan to guide how time, personnel, funds, and other resources will be used to achieve the school's mission. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
008. School leadership uses data and current research to drive decisions and measure progress toward school goals, and encourages staff to do so as well. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
009. Inquiry, reflection, and feedback are encouraged as part of developing and monitoring plans. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
010. Staff generally agree that decisions are made transparently and fairly, and that the school culture is collaborative, open to dialogue, and based on trust. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(ii) Effective School Leadership : Shared Learning and Accountability
011. As reflective practitioners, school leadership models and supports life-long learning. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
012. Supervision and evaluation are tied to results and promote the growth and development of all staff, including the principal. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
013. Clear avenues of support exist to help all professionals within the school improve their abilities and advance the school's mission. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
014. There is evidence that staff feel accountable for results to students, school leadership, colleagues, families, and the community. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(iii) Aligned Curriculum : Curriculum Guidance
015. The district/school provides teachers curriculum maps aligned to the state curriculum frameworks and MCAS performance level descriptions, and teachers use these maps to frame their teaching. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
016. Instructional staff access and "unpack" standards so that they have a working knowledge of what all students need to know and be able to do in order to be proficient. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
017. The district/school provides pacing guides that are utilized by teachers. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
018. Instructional staff can describe how the content they teach builds on or relates to content in other subjects/grades. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
019. Curriculum documents include guidelines that help with the instruction of English Language Learners, such as "English Language Proficiency Benchmarks and Outcomes for English Language Learners" (ELPBO). *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(iii) Aligned Curriculum : Taught Curriculum
020. Instructional staff develop and implement lessons based on curriculum maps/curricular guidance; these lessons reflect high expectations for all students. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
021. Instructional staff engage in regular discussions of student learning expectations both horizontally (with colleagues in their grade or subject) and vertically (across grades). *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
022. Instructional staff align assessments and evaluate student work based on a common understanding of what mastery looks like. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
023. Instructional materials and technologies that align to curriculum maps are available to and used in all classrooms. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(iii) Aligned Curriculum : On-going Improvement
024. Lesson plans are monitored for alignment to curriculum maps and pacing guides. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
025. Periodic reviews of student learning inform revisions to curriculum maps, lesson plans, and related resources. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
026. Instructional staff receive support in creating and refining curricula. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
027. The school uses a process to vet curricular refinements that staff recommend. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(iv) Effective Instruction : High Expectations
028. Instructional staff provide students with lessons that 1) are appropriate to their developmental and language proficiency levels, 2) engage them with content and address academic and social/emotional needs, and 3) promote higher-order thinking. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
029. Student assignments contain rigorous, embedded learning objectives that reflect high expectations; instructional staff ensure students understand the objectives. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(iv) Effective Instruction : Differentiated Instruction
030. Instructional staff use multi-modal pedagogical techniques, as well as a range of instructional tools, technologies, and supplemental materials, to meet the needs of all learners. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
031. Instruction aligns with student learning needs that have been identified through the use of universal screening and formative assessment. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(iv) Effective Instruction : Common Understanding
032. Leaders and instructional staff agree on criteria for effective instruction. Criteria focus on pedagogy and content knowledge and, when possible, are based on research. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
033. Teachers engage in ongoing focused discussion and collaborative reflection on instructional practice.   *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
034. Effective instruction is modeled for teachers by leaders, coaches, and colleagues. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(iv) Effective Instruction : Monitoring Practice
035. Leaders regularly gather evidence on instructional practice. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
036. Instructional staff have opportunities to observe and provide feedback on their colleagues’ practice. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
037. Leaders regularly analyze evidence of instructional practice along with student achievement, PD, and other data; analysis guides next steps for improvement, including supports for instructional staff. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(v) Student Assessment : Assessment System
038. Instructional staff use a range of assessments (formative and benchmark) that are aligned to state standards and grade-level learning outcomes.   *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
039. Performance on formative and benchmark assessments predicts performance on MCAS and other summative assessments. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
040. Common formative and benchmark assessments are horizontally/vertically aligned. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
041. Assessments support the school’s system of tiered instruction. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
042. Instructional staff receive PD and supports to help in developing assessments, analyzing assessment data, and drawing meaningful conclusions from results.   *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
043. Instructional staff work collaboratively to develop and score common assessments.   *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
044. Instructional staff embed formative assessments in daily classroom practice and use results to target and modify instruction. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
045. The school utilizes well-defined processes to periodically collect, analyze, review, and report results of assessments of student learning. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(v) Student Assessment : Analysis of Assessment Data
046. Instructional staff analyze assessment data to identify promising practices, determine enrichment and remediation needs, and assess needs for systems change. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
047. Students are taught how to assess themselves and plan for improvement. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(v) Student Assessment : Use of Assessment Data
048. Leaders and instructional staff use data for individual and organizational learning, not just external compliance. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
049. Instructional staff work in teams to delve into the implications of data and to make changes to instructional practice. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
050. Assessment data are used to place students, monitor progress, and drive timely interventions as part of a system of tiered instruction.   *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
051. Students receive constructive feedback based on data analysis, as well as guidance on how to improve. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
052. Leaders use assessment data to target PD activities. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(vi) Principal's Staffing Authority : Staffing Decision
053. Working within district guidelines, the principal recruits, deploys/redeploys, promotes, and retains those with qualifications and proven results in serving the school’s mission. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
054. The principal utilizes the district’s process for posting jobs and screening candidates to assemble an effective school team. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
055. The principal works within district guidelines to effectively support or remove staff whose performance does not meet the needs of the school. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
056. The principal assigns (and revises) roles, responsibilities, and duties in a way that best supports the school improvement plan and meets student needs. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
057. All staff are placed in roles for which they have skills, qualifications, and licensure. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
058. School leaders instill in staff members a sense of duty to perform to highest capacity for the good of all students. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(vi) Principal's Staffing Authority : Support & Intervention
059. The principal and other leaders clearly communicate to staff schoolwide expectations for performance. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
060. A clear process is used to evaluate staff, offer feedback, develop professional improvement goals, and provide support in meeting those goals. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
061. The school’s process for evaluation, feedback, PD, and support is in accordance with district tools, systems, and processes related to staffing and support. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
062. Staff performance is tied, to the extent possible, to student outcomes. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(vii) Professional Development & Structures for Collaboration : PD Plan/System
063. The Instructional Leadership Team designs a coordinated PD plan that aligns with state standards for school performance and student achievement as well as district and school priorities. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
064. The PD plan addresses the individual and collective needs of staff. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
065. PD is embedded as an integral part of daily routines (for example, through coaching, staff meetings, and/or collaborative time). *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
066. Teams embedded in the school (see NSDC’s Definition) take active roles in promoting, creating, and leading PD, leveraging internal expertise.   *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
067. When external trainers/partners are needed, leaders enlist their assistance. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
068. Job-embedded coaching and other supports provide follow-up on the implementation of what is learned through PD. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
069. Coaches and teacher leaders are trained in effectively engaging/teaching adults. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
070. Staff members hold one another accountable for implementing what is learned through PD and, ultimately, for the improved student performance that should result from its implementation (see NSDC’s Definition). *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(vii) Professional Development & Structures for Collaboration : Accessing PD
071. All staff access relevant PD (both voluntary and required PD) that is tied to specific professional learning goals.   *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
072. Time is built into the school schedule for staff collaboration, with collaboration serving as PD. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
073. Collaborative time is focused on taking instruction/learning to the next level of development, and addressing the needs (health/behavior/family) of the whole child. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
074. Systems and protocols are in place to guide collaborative discussions. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(vii) Professional Development & Structures for Collaboration : Impact of PD
075. Leaders evaluate the quality and impact of PD and collaborative time to ensure that they result in strengthened practice and student success. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
076. Promising practices for teaching and collaboration are identified and shared. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(viii) Tiered Instruction & Adequate Learning Time  : Core Instruction
077. The school provides high-quality, challenging core instruction for all students. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
078. Teachers demonstrate responsibility for the learning of all students. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
079. All lessons integrate differentiated instruction so that 80-90% of students learn key concepts through core instruction and without the need for tiered support. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
080. Leaders routinely monitor the effectiveness of the core curriculum/instruction. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(viii) Tiered Instruction & Adequate Learning Time  : Screening & Monitoring
081. A universal screening system is used to assess academic and behavioral strengths and challenges of all students, and to identify students needing additional support. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
082. Leaders and instructional staff regularly monitor students’ progress in relation to interventions that have been applied. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
083. A progress-monitoring system is in place, and data from this system drive instructional decisions throughout the tiered process. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
084. The system of interventions allows students to move along a continuum of services and change placements according to identified progress or needs. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(viii) Tiered Instruction & Adequate Learning Time  : Supports & Interventions
085. Flexible tiers of research-based interventions supplement, enhance, and provide access to the core curriculum for students needing additional support. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
086. The school schedule is flexible and provides adequate time for both core instruction and additional academic and/or behavioral supports as needed. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
087. Staff utilize resources to support students with a range of academic needs. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
088. An effective system of communication is in place among staff, families, and community partners and ensures coordination of services in support of learning.   *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
089. Increasing levels of student support match instructional approaches/intensity to the specifics and severity of need: 5-10% of students receive Tier II interventions, while 1-5% receive intensive Tier III interventions. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
090. School culture promotes ongoing reflection on how instructional time is used; leaders adjust schedules in response to what is learned. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
091. The school provides opportunities for academic and other support outside school hours; barriers to participation are minimized. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
092. Interventions are research-proven, taught by qualified professionals, and aligned to student needs and district and state frameworks. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(ix) Students' Social, Emotional and Health Needs  : Learning Environment
093. School leaders and staff create a safe and supportive learning environment through clearly established safety and behavioral expectations. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
094. All classrooms create predictable environments, and a climate that supports learning. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
095. Staff identify issues arising in the lives of students (for example, poverty, mobility, family dynamics) and work to address them to minimize their impact on learning. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
096. Social and emotional supports are clinically, linguistically, culturally, and developmentally appropriate for students. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
097. Leaders and staff encourage students to share their perspectives and experiences; student perspectives influence what is taught and how the school prepares students for college and for 21st Century learning and work. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
098. Students are supported in taking responsibility for their own learning and behavior. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(ix) Students' Social, Emotional and Health Needs  : Physical & Behavioral Health
099. Healthy lifestyles are promoted through access to nutritious food/physical activity. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
100. A school nurse or other appropriate healthcare provider screens students for health issues and to identify behavioral needs, and coordinates with families to address needs that arise. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(ix) Students' Social, Emotional and Health Needs  : Systems & Procedures
101. The system of supports includes school-wide efforts (for example, universal breakfast), as well as short- and longer-term targeted interventions. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
102. Staff culture models a healthy school climate, including social, emotional, and physical health that is desired for the students.  Supports are available to staff. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
103. Students in crisis, students at risk of dropping out, and others who require intensive assistance are identified and linked to appropriate supports in a timely manner. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
104. PD is provided to all staff on topics needed to enhance the school’s capacity to improve students’ behavioral, emotional, and physical health—including PD in the use of resources and community partners. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
105. Leaders identify and coordinate community services that the school needs. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
106. The school collaborates with families to increase its capacity to address students’ social, emotional, and health needs, as well as the families’ capacity to do the same. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
107. Leaders regularly assess the impact of policies, procedures, and programs on the academic and social environment, and revise them as needed. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
108. There is a mutually beneficial relationship between community partners and school. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(x) Family-School Engagement  : Strategic Relationships
109. Leaders ensure that students, families, and community partners understand the school’s improvement plan and learning goals; leaders strategically leverage family and community resources in service of these goals. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
110. Leaders solicit and act on the input of families and community partners when developing and implementing the school’s strategic plan. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
111. The school actively overcomes barriers to family engagement and participation. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
112. Under-represented groups are actively recruited and trained to be effective participants in the improvement of school performance. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
113. Families and community partners are encouraged to help plan meaningful events and programs. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
114. Families and community partners report satisfaction with opportunities to engage with the school and believe that the school values their perspectives. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
115. The school provides community partners with the support and resources they need to undertake their work. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
116. Strong relationships with families and community partners contribute to student learning and students’ social, emotional, and physical well-being. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(x) Family-School Engagement  : Communication
117. The school ensures effective two-way communication with both families and community partners, addressing language and other potential barriers. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
118. Leaders and staff regularly provide families and community partners information on student status and progress. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
119. The principal or a designee meets regularly with the school council, parent, and student government/leadership groups and keeps them informed of current school issues, concerns, and solutions. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
120. The school jointly analyzes student performance data with families, community partners, and other constituent groups. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
121. The school, in conjunction with community partners, offers families resources and activities that support student academic and social/emotional success. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
122. Leaders evaluate the school’s efforts to communicate with and engage families and community partners, and adjustments are made as necessary. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
123. There is evidence that the concerns, requests, and needs of families and community partners are addressed by the school in a timely and professional manner. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(xi) Strategic Use of Resources and Adequate Budget Authority : Strategic Use of Resources
124. Leaders use a variety of data to inform decisions related to budget, time on learning/scheduling, staffing/human resources, materials, and the physical plant. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
125. Leaders seek, coordinate, and leverage resources that support the school improvement plan, in accordance with district policies. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
126. Leaders carefully align budget, staffing, and other resources to student needs and school goals; decisions are made and resources are integrated to serve ‘the big picture'. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
127. Leaders evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of resource allocations; the principal uses the full authority granted by the district to adjust resources as needed. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
128. All staff report that they are able to access needed materials and other resources in a timely manner. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
(xi) Strategic Use of Resources and Adequate Budget Authority : Coordination Between School & District
129. Leaders ensure ongoing communication across school and district units, as well as within the school, regarding the need, availability, and allocation of resources. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
130. School leadership regularly accesses available updated and accurate financial reports. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
131. The principal has sufficient authority and flexibility to adjust resources as needed. *
U - Unknown; 1 - Little Evidence; 2 - Emerging; 3 - Providing; 4 - Sustaining
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