Flight Info!
"I'm leaving on a jet plane..."  Let us know when!
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SM Class *
ex. 2012-2013
SM Name *
(FULL LEGAL NAME!...as appears on government documentation)
Passport # *
Passport Country *
Passport Expiration Date *
Date of Birth *
Citizenship *
International Students:  Have you finalized all visa/I-20 paperwork with the Office of International Student Services (Heidi?)
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Please list EACH departure leg that gets you to your final destination. TYPE EXACTLY as you see in the example:  Leg #1:   Airport code to Airport code // Date // Departure Time // Airlines // Flt Number  Leg #2:   Airport code to Airport code // Date // Departure Time // Airlines // Flt Number
What is your ticket type? *
If you have a lengthy layover, do you have housing & transportation needs taken care of?
RETURN (home) INFORMATION:  Airport Codes *
Please list EACH arrival leg that gets you back home. TYPE EXACTLY as you see in the example:  Leg #1:   Airport code to Airport code // Date // Departure Time // Airlines // Flt Number  Leg #2:   Airport code to Airport code // Date // Departure Time // Airlines // Flt Number
Where are you flying back to? *
Do you need a ride To/From the airport? *
You understand that you can CHECK-IN for your flight online 24 hours before your departure? *
Did you know that you must take a copy of your E-TICKET Confirmation # or your PAPER TICKET with you to get on your flight?! *
...seems obvious, but some people forget =)
You understand that there will be LUGGAGE FEE(s) for your baggage.  (check out your airlines website for specifics) *
Do you know what the weight limits and size limitations are for checked and carry-on luggage?  (see your airlines website for particulars) *
You understand that you should be at the airport 2 HOURS before your departure time? *
You know that liquids over 3 oz, razors, weapons and other fun items will NOT BE ALLOWED for CARRY-ON items? *
...lots of SM's loose their favorite lotion, deo, toothpaste, perfume and drinks over this!
People to contact should your itinerary change *
...check all of the boxex as they all apply!!
NAME & ADDRESS of the Organization you will be serving at *
Mailing Address
NAME, CONTACT NUMBER & EMAIL ADDRESS of your intl supervisor *
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