FreeSurfer Tutorial and Workshop Evaluation
Please fill out the evaluation before the course is over. Feel free to fill it out as the course goes on, but you will NOT be able to save your answers and come back later.

However, you can always submit what you have so far and then start a new evaluation using the same ID code, picking up at the question where you left off. We can then match your additional responses with your original ones via the ID code.

We appreciate the feedback!
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Please enter as one word, the street you grew up on + your favorite word. This will serve as your anonymous unique ID code. For example, Allison's is clark_ordinateur.
This ID will be useful if you need to 'submit' the evaluation before finishing it. Just be sure to enter your code here before picking up where you left off. If you do not hit 'submit' your answers will not be saved and you will have to enter them again. If you want to save your answers as you go along, feel free to do so and then hit the 'back' button to continue adding answers.
What type of FreeSurfer user do you consider yourself? *
About the Course
What did you like best about the course?
What did you like the least?
What do you wish we taught and/or spent more time  on?
Which talks/demos/tutorials do you think we could do without?
Did the order of the talks/topics work well for you?
Did you have enough time for the tutorials? If not, which tutorials do you wish you had more time on?
What did you find most helpful?
What did you find least helpful?
How can we improve the next course (aside from any suggestions you may have given in the above)?
Do you find having the slides printed for you useful? In other words, should we continue printing course books when the slides are also available on the wiki?
Is there anything else you wish was included with the course books?
We expanded the course from 2 days to 3 days in order to include diffusion and fMRI processing. What did you think of this expanded course? Was 3 days too much? Were any of the new components (diffusion or functional imaging) *not* of interest to you? If so, was that a problem?
If you participated in one of the one-on-one sessions with a staff member instead of attending the fMRI and/or diffusion portion of the course, did you find this useful? Was this a good alternative to attending the lectures you were not interested in?
Do you think having a social component where the attendees can interact with each other and the staff is a good idea?
If you went on the impromptu MR-PET tour, what did you think? Should we offer this tour in all our courses?
About FreeSurfer
We would love to know ways that you want to use FreeSurfer so we focus our development efforts on what is most requested.
Do you think that you will be able to use and/or will use FreeSurfer after taking this course? If no, why not?
Do you have any feature requests for FreeSurfer? Is there anything you wish it could do?
What do you like best about FreeSurfer?
What do you like least about FreeSurfer?
What did you think of the new tool, freeview?
Are you likely collect MEMPRAGE data so FreeSurfer could automatically segment out the dura from the MR images? Why or why not?
Are you likely collect multispectral data if it could be used with FreeSurfer for better ICV estimation & white matter lesion segmentation? Why or why not?
PD and/or T2 images would need to be collected
If there are any talks you have not yet rated, we would appreciate your feedback on those as well! Otherwise, you are all done. HIT 'SUBMIT' TO SEND IN YOUR RESPONSES.
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