Are you interested in peer coaching?
Thanks for taking our survey on peer coaching. Before you start, please make sure you have read our post describing what peer coaching is here:
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Gender *
Age *
Current role *
Years of work in international development (either in the field or head office) *
Field of work *
Current city of residence *
Current country of residence *
After reading our post on peer coaching, would you consider participating in peer coaching? This would mean you would act as a coach to another peer, while they simultaneously acted as your coach. Regardless of whether you answered yes or no, please tell us why in the comments below. *
Why/why not?
Peer coaching is likely to bring several potential benefits, each of varying importance. On the scale below each answer, please tell us how important you think each benefit is to you.
Not important at all
Somewhat unimportant
Somewhat important
Very important
Discussions related to a career in international development
Troubleshooting work-based challenges in my current job
Research, sector-specific (e.g. education, health, etc.) discussions
Moral or emotional support from somebody in a similar situation
General chit chat
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How would you like to interact with your peer coach (more than one answer can be chosen)?
Ideally, how often would you like to interact with your peer coach?
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If you signed up for this service, how would you best like whydev to match you up with your suitable peer coach?
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How often would you like whydev to check up on how your peer coaching is going?
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Apart from peer coaching, how likely would you be to hire a professional career coach to support you in the following scenarios?
Highly unlikely
Highly likely
If I were at a career crossroads, and trying to figure out what job, role or geographic area I should pursue next
If I were grappling with an extremely difficult work challenge
If I were considering quitting my job and wanted to make sure I was thinking clearly about the decision
If I were struggling with work/life balance
If I needed job search assistance in putting together a CV and preparing for job interviews
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Apart from peer coaching, are you also interested in generally networking better with people who either work in development or are interested in the field?
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Do you use any of the following sites for networking purposes with other young professionals (select more than one if appropriate)?
What limitations do you think these sites have in terms of networking?
Would you have any objection to your information (gender, age, position, field of work, geographical location) being gathered and placed under a username or pseudonym in an online database for networking purposes with other workers in development?
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If you do not mind, we'd like to be able to contact you further on your responses. If that's ok with you, please enter your name in the box below. This is COMPLETELY optional.
And your email address. Also COMPLETELY optional.
We envisage that most of the people doing this survey would like to exchange with a peer in English. However, if you would like to find a peer in another language, please indicate which language below.
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