Draft USAID Urban Policy Online Consultation
Welcome to the USAID online consultation for the "Sustainable Service Delivery in an Increasingly Urbanized World" Policy.

The Policy is based on the premise that  USAID cannot achieve its mandate without embracing a strong commitment to empower countries to deliver basic services to accommodate the world’s growing urban population. This policy provides a blueprint for the largest overhaul of USAID’s urban programs and policies in the last 15 years.

We invite you to take an active part in an online consultation by providing responses and written comments on the first draft of USAID's new Sustainable Urban Services Policy. Feedback can be provided through completing this online questionnaire and by submitting additional comments. The feedback will be used to revise and improve the draft so that the best possible quality USAID policy can be developed, published and implemented.

There are 7 pages of questions about the draft policy. Comments must be sent no later than March 25, 2013.


ROLE AND SCOPE OF USAID POLICIES: The scope, intent and composition of USAID policies and strategies vary according to subject matter and issue area. Generally, policies and strategies are meant to clarify the Agency’s position in key areas and provide guidance to 80+ missions in the field. They are intended to convey the vision of the Agency’s leadership and, in some cases, make Agency commitments to key stakeholders. As such, they seek to make an operational difference in the effectiveness of USAID’s development programs. Policies and strategies are designed in a collaborative, evidence-based process that engages expertise from throughout the agency and from external resources. They illustrate USAID's understanding of the nature of challenges within a certain theme and the best approaches for accomplishing Agency goals in this area.

This policy is meant to convey and disseminate higher-level policy guidance and principles and, unlike other past strategies, will not provide funding guidance or fixed targets.

PRIVACY NOTICE: You may choose to provide your contact information to USAID in order to receive information such as our agency newsletter or to participate in an on-line collaboration forum or public meeting. USAID will only use your personal information for the purpose for which it was provided.
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This information will be used for internal USAID purposes. However, some of your responses may be used in USAID documents that describe the comments provided on this draft. You have the option of remaining anonymous if you prefer that you and your comments are not identified publicly. *
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