Supplemental badges
This questionnaire is to help me understand what I need to do for my advocacy and education project relating to the following questions.  Thanks for your time!
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Do you know what the 8 Millennium Development Goals are? *
Do you know what the Global Action Theme is? *
Have you heard of the GAA (Global Action Award)? *
This is a badge offered from GSUSA
Have you done, or will you be doing the GAA with your troop? *
Have you heard of the GATB (Global Action Theme Badge)? *
This is a badge offered from WAGGGS
Have you heard of the Games Go Global badge? *
This is a badge offered from WAGGGS
Where are you located?
Council or Member Organization
If you would like more information on this topic, please enter your email and we will send it
Your email will remain private and will not be given out.
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