Homework - yuck or yay?
On Tuesday, Nov 13, the #globalmath meeting will be about homework. The panel will be moderated by @mathhombre (John Golden). We're looking for 2-4 folks with opinions willing to sit on the panel. This survey has 2 purposes: 1) find panelists based on their opinions and 2) get the pulse of the #globalmath community.
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Are you interested in being on the Homework panel? *
You must be available to attend the Nov 13 #globalmath meeting at 9pm EST.
Twitter ID?
I will NOT attach your name to your answers about homework.
How often do you assign homework?
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How do you assess homework?
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What's your philosophical approach to homework?
How do you gauge you've given "enough" homework?
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Estimate your homework completion rate.
Average, over this school year
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What level do you teach?
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Thoughts on homework.
Free space to opine on the topic.
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