Prince William Trails and Streams Coalition's 5th Annual Upper Occoquan River Cleanup
You are about to register for volunteering to help with the 5th Annual Upper Occoquan River Cleanup on Saturday, April 12th, 2014, 9am-2pm (rain date Saturday, April 26, 2014). Thank you for volunteering!

This cleanup is part of the Alice Ferguson Foundation's 26th Annual Potomac River Watershed Cleanup. Dumpsters and toilet facilities will be available at most sites. Trash bags, gloves, snacks, sign-in and sign-out, and water will be provided at all sites. Shuttle service for canoeists and kayakers will be available on a scheduled basis.

All volunteers are welcome to attend lunch anytime between 12:30 -2:00 at Riverview Estates and Lake Ridge Marina.  

In order to register for this year's event, please answer the questions below.  You can refer back to our website if you have any questions about the map, launch locations, or information about weather cancellations.

If you have any other questions about the cleanup, please contact Ed at  
If you have any problems with this form, you can contact Zoe at
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We won't use it unless it is necessary and only organizers of this event will have access to this number.
Choose the answer that fits your situation. *
For safety reasons we are requiring that minors under age 16 be accompanied by a parent/legal guardian for this on-water cleanup.  Minors aged 16 or 17 do not need parent/ guardian to attend, but will need to have a parent sign a liability form.
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