Registration: BGF Marriage Education Program (7 Jun - 8 Jun 2014)
Many couples feel they are taking a big step in their lives when they decide to exchange vows of commitment to each other ‘till death do us part.’ It is not easy for two persons of different personalities, up-bringing, religion and sometimes different ethnic groups to live together for a long time to come, for better or for worse.

Often couples get into marriage without much preparation or skills to handle social, emotional or financial matters. They are ill equipped on resolving conflicts and also lack skills on parenting, budgeting, planning, preparing meals, or nursing sick family members. Usually such knowledge is picked up from external sources - friends, other adults or from media sources.

When we want to take up a career, we learn the tools and the rules first. How is it that for such an important event as marriage, not much preparation is put into it? Is it any wonder then that divorce rates in Malaysia and most countries are increasing?

Topics to be covered
Importance of Family Unit
Discovering Our Expectations
Building Sexual Intimacy
Remember Its Good to Talk
Facing Conflicts & Challenges
Finance & The Family
Ethical & Spiritual Aspects

Attendance is FREE.  Each couple will need to purchase a training manual (Smart Start Program) published by the Ministry at RM50 per couple.
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Male Partner - Name *
Male Partner - Address *
Male Partner - Mobile phone no. *
Male Partner - House phone no.
Male Partner - Office phone no.
Male Partner - IC no. *
Male Partner - Email address *
Male Partner - Race *
Male Partner - Religion *
Male Partner - Occupation *
Male Partner - Organisation *
Female Partner - Name *
Female Partner - Address *
Female Partner - Mobile phone no. *
Female Partner - House phone no.
Female Partner - Office phone no.
Female Partner - IC no. *
Female Partner - Email address *
Female Partner - Race *
Female Partner - Religion *
Female Partner - Occupation *
Female Partner - Organisation *
If married, please indicate date of marriage
Couples who are married within 5 years are eligible to attend this course. (Note: Both partners need to attend together)
How did you hear about us? *
You may tick more than one box
Thank you for registering
Please note that payment is required to complete your registration, as places are limited to 25 couples per session. Your payment is fully refundable if you subsequently are unable to attend the program provided you inform us via email at least 14 days before the event.

You may bank-in your registration fee to Public Bank Berhad: 3073054536 (Goh Kheng Fang) with your name, or contact Sis. Kang Fong Luan 012-3045249 / Sis. Iris Goh 016-3025792 / email

Note: If you are banking in via Bank Transfer, please include an email notification to, or please email / sms us your transaction number for verification purposes. Thank you.

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