OSE Europe Team Culturing
This survey is intended to be used by the developers of the OSE project in Europe. Please fill out as many fields as you can. The more that the team knows about you and your involvement, the more collaborative development can arise. This is part of the open culture that we aim to create within the OSE community.

The survey consist of 5 parts:
1. Who are you?
2. WHY are you motivated to to support/develop this work?
3. What can you/have you contributed to the development of OSE?
4. HOW can you help?
5. Friends and Community

Publication Note: This survey will be published under the Team Culturing Europe Category (http://opensourceecology.org/wiki/Category:Team_Culturing_Europe) and will be visible to everybody. If you want to be able to edit the Wiki you need an account - please use the contact form to send us your desired login and we will register you.
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Share who you are
Your Name *
Email *
this email will be shared publicly. To prevent crawlers getting your email we will present it in the form: word (dot) word (at) server (dot) com
Location (city, country) *
Show us what you look like. You can enter an URL (a link) to your picture. Alternatively, you can send it per email to nikolay (at) opensourceecology (dot) org, indicating your name.
Introductory Video
A link (url) to an uploaded video. Introduce yourself in a 15-30 second video, or longer if you desire. It is interesting for us to hear your reason for your involvement.
Either enter the data here or provide a link (url) to it.
WHY are you motivated to support/develop this work?
Do you support open source culture? *
Why are you interested in collaborating with us? *
How do you think that the GVCS and Open Source Hardware can address pressing world issues? *
What do you like in OSE Europe? *
What should happen so that you become more involved with OSE Europe?
What is missing in OSE Europe?
What are your suggestions for improvement in OSE Europe?
What can you/have you contributed to the development of OSE?
This assesses some of the key contributions that we are looking for with respect to the OSE project. If you answer positively to any of the points, please expand on your experience.
List all of your skills in these areas: Communications - Organizational - Computer Support - Finances - Law - Design - Natural Building - Electronics - Automation - Metallurgy - Engineering - Fabrication - Agriculture - Energy - Architecture - Video/Graphics/Art - PR/Marketing - Education - Construction - Industry - CNC - Chemistry - Product Design - Other *
like: Area - description of your skills in this area. Please add separate skills on new lines.
How have you already contributed to OSE, OSE Europe and Open Source Hardware?
HOW can you help?
How do you want to contribute? *
Can you volunteer to work with us, and if so, how many hours per week? Or do you have a free timeframe (week, month)? *
Are you interested in working with us for pay? If so, what services can you offer, and what is your hourly or per-project rate? *
Are you interested in being part of one of the OSE communities in Europe? If so in which country? *
Are you interested in a Dedicated Project Visit in OSE Communities in Europe? If so in which country? *
to help on a concrete project for at least a month
Are you interested in building GVCS or other Open Source Hardware equipment in Europe? If so which ones? *
Would you like to see yourself working with us on a full-time basis? *
Your Friends and Community
What friends, people, communities and organizations do you know who are already doing valuable work for a better future? For example: open source hardware/software, sustainable agriculture, natural building, renewable energy, abundance based economies, local production or others?
What are the technological (machines, tools, structures, ...) and biological (people, animals, plants, ...) needs of your community so that it becomes self-sufficient locally and globally connected?
Are your friends and community doing valuable work for a better future? How can they become more involved in this process and share more with everyone?
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