VASARI Features v3.0
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Reviewer *
Patient ID *
Lesion Location
F1 Tumor Location *
Location of lesion geographic epicenter; the largest component of the tumor (either CET or nCET).  Multiple selections acceptable – choose up to two.
F2 Side of Tumor Epicenter *
Side of lesion epicenter irrespective of whether the lesion crosses into the contralateral hemisphere.
F3 Eloquent Brain *
Does any component of the tumor (CET or nCET) involve eloquent cortex or the immediate subcortical white matter of eloquent cortex (motor,language, vision)?  Multiple selections acceptable.
Morphology of Lesion Substance
F4 Enhancement Quality *
Qualitative degree of contrast enhancement is defined as having all or portions of the tumor that demonstrate significantly higher signal on the postcontrast T1W images compared to precontrast T1W images.  Mild = when barely discernible but unequivocal degree of enhancement is present relative to pre-contrast images. Marked = obvious tissue enhancement.   If it does not appear that contrast was administered, select No Contrast Injected.
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