Dance to the Beat of Mother Earth - Online Registration
A Climate Change Awareness Project.

Cagayan de Oro's Largest Dance Workout!

Come join us for a dance workshop here in Cagayan de Oro. Start a healthy lifestyle thru dance at the same time help save Mother Earth.

Registration is at Php100. Proceeds will help build segregated trash bins for the city.

Don't miss this chance to dance and make a difference.

When: August 5, 2012 at 5:30am
Where: Pelaez Sports Center, Cagayan de Oro City

Groups/Organizations who are going, please inform us ahead so we can acknowledge your participation in the event.
- this is for 30+ members in a group/organisation

August 5, 2012 | 5:30am | Pelaez Sports Center, Cagayan de Oro | Php 100.00
- A project of JCI Kagayhaan Gold

Tickets - Cary Cempron | | 0906-8793637
Sponsors - Jan Bombeo | | 09274874632
Marketing - Thesabel Tuto | | 09274806816
Project Chair - Kitty Tiukinhoy | | 09177188014
- JCI Kagayhaan Gold, Team July Babies
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