Disability, Accessibility, and the Digital Humanities
My collaborators and I are currently gathering information about issues of disability, accessibility, and digital humanities resources.

As part of that effort, we invite you to complete this survey. We will use this information to inform our future project plans. As a survey participant you may remain anonymous, or you may share your name, affiliation, and contact information at the bottom of this form.

( If you're interested in more information, see http://chronicle.com/blogs/profhacker/accessibility-and-the-digital-humanities/42782 )

If you have any questions or comments, please contact george.h.williams AT gmail DOT com

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In a few sentences, please provide your definition of accessibility.
Your position? *
How long have you been involved in the digital humanities? *
How important is it for digital humanities resources to be accessible to individuals with disabilities? *
How important is it for those working in the digital humanities to learn how to create resources that are accessible? *
How knowledgeable are you about how to make digital resources accessible? *
How interested are you in learning more about how to make digital resources accessible? *
How knowledgeable are you about how to evaluate whether or not a digital resource is accessible? *
How interested are you in learning more about how to evaluate whether or not a digital resource is accessible? *
How interested would you be in attending a workshop devoted to accessibility and the digital humanities? *
(Assume that all of your expenses associated with attending would be paid for you.)
How valuable would you consider a workshop devoted to accessibility and the digital humanities? *
Additional comments, questions, or thoughts?
If you have more to say about accessibility and the digital humanities, please use the space below. Thanks!
The following information is optional (but would be quite helpful to us)
We will not share any identifying information without your permission.
Your name (optional)
Your affiliation  (optional)
Your e-mail address  (optional)
Your phone number (optional)
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