Music Magazine Market Research - Alexandra Halpin

I am creating a music magazine for my AS Media coursework. Please take your time to answer the following questions as honestly as possible.
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Gender: *
Please tick one box below.
Age: *
Please tick one box below:
How often do you buy music magazines? *
Please tick one box below:
What would be your genre of choice? *
Please tick one box that applies to you
What is your main incentive buying a music magazine?
Please tick one box below
Does your personal style and opinions match that of those associated with the genre?
Please tick one box that applies to you
Do you prefer images or text?
Please tick your preferred box below
How much would you expect to pay for a music magazine
Please tick one box below
Who would you prefer to read about?
Please tick one box below.
Would you like reading about other aspects of the industry?
Please tick the boxes that you would prefer
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