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Enter your name: *
Enter your mobile number: *
You should be contactable by this number
Which two committee members did you contact to seek approval for the trip? *
Details on who to contact are in the gear lending statement, there are links to a copy of the gear lending statement and committee contact details in description at the top of the page
Date of borrowing: *
eg 18-April-2013
Date of returning: *
eg 19-April-2012
Destination: *
eg: Liffey, Easkey
Get on: *
eg: Sluice, Easkey
Static trip / get off *
Grade of river *
Link to river guides available in the description box at the top of the form.
Please include an accurate description of WEATHER CONDITIONS expected *
Link to weather forecasts in the description at the top of the form
Please tick the club gear you wish to borrow *
Please include an accurate description of WATER LEVELS expected *
Link to rainfall radar and Liffey releases at the top of the form
Do you need to borrow a club BOAT? If so please specify which one: *
Remember to make sure the boat has airbags
Please list any other club gear you need:
Please list the other UCDCC members or other kayakers participating in this trip *
I have read and understood the club's policy on lending gear *
Link to policy available in the description at the top of the form
The gear borrower shall be responsible for the gear being borrowed for the entire duration of time from the point of the gear leaving the boathouse to the gear being returned to the boathouse. Any damage caused to privately borrowed club gear due to irresponsible behavior shall be the fault of the borrower and the estimated value of depreciation of the gear due to this damage shall be reimbursed to the club by the borrower. *
How did you find using the form?
This question is included on a temporary basis, if you have any feedback on difficulties or issues with the lay out or content please comment so we can improve it.
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