Find a Friend
This is a network designed to help parents of traumatized and/or otherwise behavior or emotionally challenged special needs children find each other.  Both Moms and Dads are welcome to join!! For best results, register separately, though.   Especially if you're a dad, please specify the type of connections you're looking for...other dads or single moms.  I often get requests for both

None of the information you provide will be published publicly.  It will, however, be shared privately if a request is made by someone seeking to find people in their area or who have similar circumstances as theirs.  You will only be contacted if someone in your area requests contact information for other parents in your area.

To be included in this network, you will only need to answer the required questions (those marked with a red asterisk.)  The more you share, though, the more likely it is you will find people you can relate to and that they will be able to find you and make connections with you.

For more information about this network, visit

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Name *
Please share your real name (At least your real first name and the first letter of your real last name.) Your full last name is recommended, but not required.
Relation *
Contact Info: *
Please list as many different ways in which someone can contact and/or connect with you as you are comfortable with.  At least one method should be through some kind of electronic means, such as an email address, that is checked fairly often.  Other options could include social media such as Facebook or Twitter.  Blogs are also another great option. You may also wish to include your phone number or other means by which someone could contact you.  If you use a screen name online, you may also want to consider share it .  Again, this won't be published publicly and will only be shared if people in your area request contact info.  People looking for connections may actually already "know" you and not realize it.
The country where I live: *
To make data sorting easier, if you live in the United States, simply enter USA.  Otherwise, just enter your country.
State/Province *
If you live in the USA, please spell out the full name of your state rather than using the postal abbreviations.  This will make it MUCH easier to sort all the entries and match people up in the long run.
City *
If you're not comfortable listing your actual city, you can list a nearby city (maybe the closest metro city to you) or just a compass description of the general area of the state in which you live (north, northeast, etc).
Nearby Areas
I define "close" as within approximately 100 miles or so...or a couple of hours by car. For most people, that's a very doable distance for meeting in the middle for dinner and some in real life chatting.   Knowing what general areas are fairly close to you is also especially helpful information if you live near the borders of your state.  For example, if you live in Missouri, you may actually be geographically closer to someone in Kansas City, Kansas rather than St. Louis.  Sharing alternate geographic areas other than just your immediate city will help me greatly in being able to find possible matches for you.
About Me:
About Me
Kids joined by
adoption, biology, kinship adoption, marriage, foster care, etc
List whatever the special needs issues are that you are dealing with.  The more you list, the easier it will be to match you up.  Examples include PTSD, RAD, ADHD, Autism, Bi-polar, learning disabilities, etc.  Some of you may be dealing with unique physical disabilities as well.  If you are, go ahead and list them.  Perhaps there will be others who are dealing with them as well and connections can be made that way.
Other stuff I want to share:
Include things such as known resources in your area, special interests,  or whatever else you want to share.
I'm looking for:
Please share what you hope to find by being part of this list.  Perhaps you're looking for other trauma parents in your area,  maybe you're a trauma dad and are hoping to make connections with other trauma dads anywhere,  maybe you're one who's been there and done that and are now in a position where you can be a support to others, etc.  Give as many answers as you wish.
Is there anything you would like ME to know but NOT share with others?
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