the Effect of Internet Filtering on people in KSA
I'm a student in king Abdulaziz university. Please take a moment to help me in my research about internet filtering in Saudi Arabia. Internet filtering is a system that blocks certain website and appears to be blocked when you try to reach them. The responsible for this filtering is king Abdul-Aziz city for since and technology (KACST) . My research is set to explore the effects and satisfaction and people's opinion on this system and I would like to know that by making this survey. Thank you for your time.
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Your gender is ?
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Your age is:
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Where do you live ?
(the city)
1- How often do you use the internet?
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2- What kind of connection do you use ?
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3- How much do you agree with filtering some websites ?
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4- Are you satisfied with the number of websites which are blocked?
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5- The reasons for blocking websites , rate based on the importance?
1- not important reason at all . 5- very important reason
moral reasons
political reasons
religious reasons
other reasons
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6- Have you ever faced any website  you think it has no reason to be blocked but it is actually blocked?
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7- Have you ever tried to request to unblock a certain website from KACST website ?
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8- What do you think of the filtering system in general ?
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9- Has the filtering system ever prevent you from reaching your target ?
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10- Do you use other ways for avoiding this filtering ?
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11- If you answered the previous question with yes or sometimes then, what kind of websites do you try to reach ?
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12- In your point of view , what are the positive sides of this filtering ?
13- In your point of view , what are the negative sides of this filtering ?
14- In general, do you want the freedom of browsing with no limit ?
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