Architecture & Allied Arts Lab Course Software Requirements

Please use this form to request software for any lab-based courses being taught at the School of Architecture & Allied Arts. AAA Technology Services will respond within a week with more information about when software will be distributed to the labs. Please notify us as soon as you know you would like software installed, it takes time to purchase the software and deploy it to the labs.

For any questions/suggestions contact Jason Shirley, the Lab Administrator, at If you have additional information to convey that does not fit in this form feel free to send me an email or set up an appointment.
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Contact Information
Information needed to contact the Professor teaching the course.
Instructor Name: *
Who is teaching this class?
Faculty Email: *
The University of Oregon email address for the Faculty teaching the course. This should end in
Course Information
Information about the course(s) that will use the software.
Course Name(s): *
e.g. ARTO 450
Department: *
Which department is offering the course? e.g. Art, Architecture.
Lab Rooms: *
Where is this software needed?
Term: *
Which term is this class offered? You may select multiple terms.
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