PROTAZ FESTIVAL 2011 Committee Recruitment
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Dear Bro/Sis,
Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Heritage Students' Society (IRKHS'S) will organize a programme named PROTAZ FESTIVAL 2011.
This programme will be held on 29th November to 5th Decemeber 2011.
Therefore, we would like to invite all students of IRK to take part in this grand event by registering as committees.
Do join us by filling up the form below before 9th October 2011.

The Management Board Protaz Festival 2011

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Name : *
Ali Bin Ahmad
Matric No : *
Phone No : *
012 - 7654321
Email Address : *
Programme *
Your major field of study
Which bureau you are interested in? *
Please choose at least 4 of the following
Thank you for filling up this form. Your support are highly appreciated
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