MIIS (Summer) Tales: Around the World in a Night Photo Show
MIIS (Summer) Tales: Around the World in a Night will be hosted in The Commons on Thursday, September 27th, from 5-7pm. Finalist photos will be voted on by Photo Show attendees. The top five photos will win iTunes gift certificates. By submitting this photo you testify you own this picture and can submit it for the competition. You also agree any pictures may be used to promote the Monterey Institute.

If you have songs from the region to submit for our Photo Show song playlist, made any videos or other multimedia, please email to miisdlc@gmail.com subject line MIIS (Summer) Tales.

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Your name *
First and last
Email address *
Your MIIS program *
Where are you from? *
Country, city
Where were you this summer? *
Region, country, city
Photo Title *
Photo caption
If you have one
What organization or MIIS group(s) were you affiliated with (if any)?
Do you have any presentations online (like MIDD Lab) or urls associated with this trip?
Do you have any particular anecdotes about this picture? Would you be willing to do a testimonial?
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