Book your tour with Shades of Rose Media
Specializing in Romance Virtual Tours
We will tour the following romance genres….
Young Adult
New Adult
Science Fiction
New Age

All stops includes cover art, book synopsis/blurb, buy links, short author bio with contact links.  Personalized post on Shades of Rose Media. All tours include a optional giveaway. All tours are unlimited Stops, we will book as many stops as we can. We guarantee a minimum of 10 stops, though it is usually more than that.  

Cover Reveal - Free

Book Blitz - $20

Spotlight Tour - $30

Excerpt Tour - $40

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Author Name *
Email Address *
Book Title *
Genre *
Date for tour to start *
Please take into account that we are booking at least a month in advance
If you are booking a Excerpt Tour what features would you like? *
Excerpt Tour Only, all other tours are spotlights.
Tour Package *
Do you want to do a giveaway? *
What do you want to giveaway?
Do you want to do a host giveaway? *
How much and where?
Please add amount and retailer.
Email to send paypal invoice *
For authors new to us, did you hear of us from Google, facebook, twitter, a friend?
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