Romshed Farm Half Lamb/Hogget/Mutton Order Form
This order form is for the half lamb/hogget/mutton option. It you wish to buy a whole lamb, please indicate this in the special requirements box and your order will be doubled. If you require different butchery requirements for each half we suggest you fill in two forms.

A hogget is a lamb that is one year old.  The meat is fuller in flavour and equally tender.  We hang the mutton for 2 weeks to ensure full tenderness.

Some of our customers particularly recommend the loin of mutton boned and rolled and then you can slice it and fry it as if it is a steak.

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Full Name *
Please write your name in the space below, eg Edwina Lamb
Email *
Please write your email in the box below eg 
Telephone number *
Please write your contact number in the box below
Address *
Please write your address in the box below
Lamb, Hogget or Mutton? *
Please indicate which you are ordering
Please select from the options below, eg bone in and whole, if you wish for a diced leg, please specify at the bottom of the form under 'special requirements'
Bone in
Bone out
In two halfs
Clear selection
Please select from the options below, eg bone in and whole, if you wish for a diced shoulder, please specify at the bottom of the form under 'special requirements'
Bone in
Bone out
In two halfs
Clear selection
Loin and best end
please tick your preferred option.
please choose from the options below.  No mince available for Hogget
Clear selection
Any other special requirements?
if you have further requests, such as 'butterfly leg', or shoulder minced ( £1/kg extra). Thank you for your order, we will be in touch shortly to arrange delivery / collection.  
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