Queso Diego September Meeting RSVP
Join us for the September installation of Queso Diego with a featured presentation on "The Art of the Cheese Board" led by President, Ringo Firefly. We'll walk you through the do's and don'ts of assembling your cheeses to include some top tips, favorite combos, and well-executed landscaping for your next party-perfect presentation. We promise it won't be so intimidating after we cover a few basics. Come and see why the days of pre-sliced, waxy squares and toothpick-stabbed cubes are long behind us!
The meeting will be held at 6:30pm on Tues, September 16th at City Farmers Nursery (http://www.cityfarmersnursery.com). Map of parking and the meeting location:http://quesodiego.org/?attachment_id=453

Nate’s Garden Grill on the grounds of City Farmers Nursery is now open, so consider stopping by to grab a beer before or after the meeting. They have a great menu of fresh, local food and an extensive draft beer list.


- Brief business meeting
- Intro to October meeting
- Featured presentation on Cheese Plating

What to bring:

- (Optional) bring a well-fashioned cheese plate with a select variety of cheeses of your choosing. Pick out a theme, or play with different milks, anything goes! Unique cheeses and creativity are highly encouraged!
- 2014 Dues ($20 individual/$30 household), if not yet paid. It is also possible to pay online through PayPal here: http://quesodiego.org/about/membership/

Please RSVP so we have an accurate head count:
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Name *
Full Name
Email Address *
Email address as it appears on the Queso Diego email list or best way to contact you
Are you able to attend the September meeting on 9/16? *
Number of guests attending with you, if any?
Please only include guests who will not RSVP separately.  
What do you plan to bring?
Select all that apply
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