2012 Daniel & Vala Holiday Exchange Sign-Up Sheet
If you have any problems filling out this form, please contact me either through PM on Livejournal (scifi_tv_addict), or via email (valamd@ymail.com).
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Livejournal username
(if applicable)
Tumblr username
(if applicable)
E-mail Address *
What can you GIVE? *
(check all that apply, if you have a preference please list it in 'other')
What would you like to RECEIVE? *
(check AT LEAST two, if you have a preference please list it in 'other')
List AT LEAST three prompts for your gift-giver to use *
(you may list more than three)
List anything you want your gift-giver to avoid
(e.g. non-con, angst, characters, etc)
Would you be comfortable GIVING NC-17 material? *
Would you be comfortable RECEIVING NC-17 material? *
Would you be able to step-in if someone drops out? *
Which site do you prefer for posting? *
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