The Progressive Spirit - Text Pages - 644-648
Complete sentences are not necessary, however specific examples are.
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Which Constitutional Amendment reserves powers to the states? *
What two concerns shaped politics during the Gilded Age?
Label each one separately.
Why was President Garfield (not the cat) assassinated?
Describe how "political bosses" got and used their power.
Who was Boss Tweed? What did he do in NYC?
How did reformer Thomas Nast attack Tweed?
Describe the basic goal of the Progressive Movement.
What was the "Wisconsin Idea" on how to solve problems?
Describe how the Progressives tried to give more power to voters with the following reforms: Primary Elections, Initiative, Referendum, Recall
Please list each reform separately.
Identify the following: 16th and 17th Amendments
Define Muckraker. How did Muckrakers expose corruption to the public?
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