会员自助资料更新 / Member Particulars Self Update
TWASK members can self update personal particulars esp. contact number, email ID and home address.
Updated contact will help ensure members receive latest communication on alumni activities/benefits from time to time.
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会员列号 (Membership number) *
To check for your membership number, visit "http://bit.ly/twaskmemlist". 游览 “http://bit.ly/twaskmemlist” 索取您的会员列号。
英文名字 *
性别 *
Needed for verification purpose.
身份证号码 (IC Number) *
Needed for verification purpose.
离校年度 (Year left TsungWah) *
Please indicate which year you left TsungWah.
离校年级 (Last academic year of study in TsungWah) *
现有或新联络电话 (Existing or new phone contact) *
新电邮 (New email address)
如没更改请留空。 Leave blank if no change.
职业 (Occupation Update)
新地址 (New address)
请说明这是住家或办公新地址。 Please indicate whether this is updated home or office address.
注记 (Remark)
如有话语可在这提供。 You may provide remark here if any.
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