Chapter 1
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What is your name?  (Last name, first name) *
Which Core? *
Which is the earliest known civilization in North America? *
Which of the following best describes the Olmec? *
How did the vast Incan Empire address the problems caused by its size? *
What early crop did both Mesoamericans and people in the North American Southwest grow? *
What is an Anasazi kiva? *
Which groups adapted to the harsh conditions of the Arctic culture area? *
The success of the Native American groups of the North was aided by *
Because the Pawnee traced their ancestry through their mothers, the society is called *
Which of the following religious beliefs did many Native American groups share? *
Why was the kingdom of Ghana significant? *
How did Ghana's rulers exploit trade as a source of wealth? *
Under whose leadership did Mali reach the height of its wealth, power, and frame? *
What made the slave trade important to the West African economy? *
In the feudal system, a knight who promised to support a noble in battle was called a *
What was the main cause of the decline of feudalism in the Middle Ages? *
The Crusades changed Europe by *
What does Renaissance mean? *
What is the significance of Dante Alighieri's poetry? *
How did joint stock companies benefit investors? *
The people who migrated across the Bering Land Bridge were hunter-gathers. *
The Aztec civilizations was the first civilization to use canals to direct water through their cities. *
The Dogrib and Montagnais peoples followed the seasonal migrations of deer in the Subarctic culture area. *
Mansa Musa had scholars set up schools in Mali for the study of the Qur'an. *
The period of the Renaissance in Europe was more orderly and stable than the Middle Ages had been. *
The movement of people or animals from one region to another *
A wealthy Florentine banking family. *
The official language of the Inca. *
A family who farmed land along the Niger River. *
A Renaissance painter and sculptor. *
The caravan route for traders such as Marco Polo. *
The spirits of ancestor or animals. *
An important trading city in Mali's empire. *
A pathway into North America during the Ice Age. *
A Greek philosopher and teacher. *
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